Monthly Archives: May 2011


The US has urged President Saleh to sign the agreement with the opposition and step down. Yemeni troops shelled tribesmen who have laid siege to a Republican Guards camp outside of Sana’a; one person was killed.


A female Al Jazeera journalist who was detained in Syria and transferred to Iran has been released in Qatar. The IAEA fears that Iran has hacked officials’ computers and cell phones.


UK’s eight-year military presence in Iraq to end on Sunday


Over the past three days, security forces killed 27 people in the town of Tel Kelakh on the border with Lebanon. Security forces also beat anti-regime students who were protesting in Aleppo. President Assad’s regime has killed more then 700 protesters in the past two months.


Counterterrorism police believe they killed Sigit Qordhowi during a gunfight in Sukoharjo, Central Java last weekend. Sigit is a suspect in the December 2010 attack on a police station as well as several church bombings. He has also appear in a jihadist propaganda tape.

The Gitmo Files: An agent of Iran

Hamdullah.pngA leaked threat assessment prepared at Guantanamo describes one current detainee and his father as “Iranian agents.” The detainee, Haji Hamidullah, allegedly “murdered 71 people.” The leaked file connects several others to Iran, including two members of Hamid Karzai’s government.


Pakistan – Malik holds lacuna in ATC responsible for release of terrorists


Security forces killed five suicide bombers, including three women, in Quetta. The suicide bombers are thought to be Chechens or Uzbeks. Witnesses failed to show up in the trial of TNSM chief Sufi Mohammed.


Pakistani troops and NATO helicopters exchanged fire on the border. Security forces killed and captured scores of Taliban and Haqqani Network commanders and fighters in Helmand, Kandahar, Khost, Nangarhar, Paktika, and Ghazni.

The Taliban

Hamid Gul, the former head of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence, is reported to have asked Mullah Omar to leave Quetta in Pakistan and return to Afghanistan or Iran. The ISI would facilitate Omar’s move to either country, the report said.


Insurgents killed an Interior Ministry major and a civilian in Baghdad, and two Iraqis in Babil. Terrorists executed and beheaded a Christian in Kirkuk after demanding $100,000 in ransom.

Al Qaeda

Saif al Adel is reported to be al Qaeda’s new emir; the report is unconfirmed. Pakistani security forces in Karachi arrested Muhammad Ali Qasim Yaqub, who was described as “working directly under al Qaeda leaders along [the] Pak-Afghan borders.”


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters killed two soldiers and a civilian in an attack in Mukalla in Hadhramout province. The family of Osama bin Laden’s Yemeni widow wants her to be returned home from Pakistan.


Shabaab’s spokesman warned Djbouti not to send troops to join African Union forces in Mogadishu. Security forces killed two Shabaab fighters in Hiran. Shabaab arrested “gang” members in Lower Shabelle and Bay.


Boko Haram, a radical Islamist group with ties to al Qaeda, has rejected an amnesty deal offered by the governor of Borno. A Boko Haram spokesman said the group does not recognize democracy.


State-run television claimed pro-Gaddafi forces hit a NATO warship off the coast of Misrata; an unnamed NATO official denied the report. Libya’s oil minister has defected to the anti-Gaddafi rebels.