Monthly Archives: May 2011


The Taliban killed 35 road workers in Paktika; guards killed eight Taliban fighters. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban and Haqqani Network commanders and fighters in Zabul, Khost, Nangarhar, and Kunar.


Insurgents killed 29 people and wounded 80 more in three bombings at a police station in Kirkuk. A civilian was killed in an IED attack in Baghdad. The Iraqi military identified the four senior al Qaeda leaders captured yesterday in Kirkuk.

Al Qaeda

Pakistan: ‘Mid-level’ Al-Qaeda operative lived in country for decade prior to arrest


A fistfight broke out in parliament after Salafists attacked a Shia lawmaker who called Kuwaitis detained at Guantanamo Bay terrorists. Two Kuwaitis remain at Guantanamo. Abdullah Salih al Ajmi, a former detainee who was released in 2006, carried out a suicide attack in Iraq in 2008.

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda released a posthumous audio recording of Osama bin Laden. The slain leader praised the so-called Arab Spring uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt.


Fifteen people were killed during fighting between African Union forces and Shabaab fighters in Mogadishu. Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama’a announced that it would execute Shabaab “spies.”


Fifteen Taliban fighters and two policemen were killed in a clash at a security checkpoint outside Peshawar. US Senators are questioning the value of aid to Pakistan.


A suicide bomber killed 13 people in Nangarhar. Afghan troops killed 12 Afghans in Takhar who protested a US raid that targeted an IMU leader and resulted in four insurgents killed. Security forces killed and captured scores of Taliban, Haqqani Network, and Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Khost, Paktika, Logar, Badghis, […]

The Taliban

Mohmand Taliban leader Omar Khalid threatened to take revenge for the death of Osama bin Laden. Waliur Rehman Mehsud claimed bin Laden blew himself up to avoid capture.


Security forces detained al Qaeda’s military leader, top judge, and two other commanders in Salahadin, and captured al Qaeda’s governor in Kirkuk. Britain will withdraw its last 170 military personnel from Iraq this weekend.