Monthly Archives: April 2011


Rebels took control of a border outpost in the west after more than 200 pro-Gaddafi troops deserted to Tunisia. NATO bombers attacked Gaddafi forces in Tripoli and Gharyan. Two Western photojournalists were killed in Misrata.


The UAE’s foreign minister stated that Iran must treat its neighbors with “responsibility and respect.” Kuwait’s foreign minister accused an Iranian spy cell of planning attacks against US infrastructure in the country. Iran and Egypt signed cooperation agreement on tourism.


Special operations forces killed 17 Taliban and foreign fighters during a raid in Kunar that targeted an al Qaeda commander. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban fighters in Zabul, Khost, Paktia, and Wardak. Afghan officials said the suicide bomber who penetrated the Ministry of Defense was not an Afghan soldier. The Taliban killed an […]


Admiral Michael Mullen said Pakistan has a “relationship” with the Haqqani Network but stopped short of accusing the country of supporting the terror group. A court indicted Maulana Abdul Aziz for killing a security officer during the Lal Masjid uprising in 2007. The Taliban in Mohmand killed two merchants for providing livestock to Afghanistan.


Four people were killed after Shabaab attacked Somali forces in the town of Busar. Shabaab has banned women in the town of Bardhere from selling khat.


France and Italy are sending teams of military advisers to aid the Libyan rebels. The US is planning on sending more than $25 million in non-military aid to rebel forces.


Egypt – Top Sunni cleric warns Tehran not to meddle in Arab states


Libya: RAF Tornados carry out ‘deliberate, multiple strikes’


Russia’s fading army fights losing battle to reform itself

Ex-Gitmo detainee deported from Italy to Tunisia

The Italian government announced the deportation of a former Gitmo detainee to Tunisia. Adel Ben Mabrouk had been convicted of terrorism-related charges, but his sentence was commuted to time served because of his eight-year-long detention at Gitmo. Mabrouk went to Afghanistan to train and fight in early 2001 and was part of an al Qaeda cell that plotted to blow up Milan’s Gothic cathedral.


An Iranian general announced that any foreign attack on Iran would be “suicidal.” The US sanctioned a North Korean bank for an arms deal with Iran. Iran’s governor for OPEC said that oil prices are expected to rise throughout FY 2011.


Islamist leader: Egyptian revolution achieved the impossible


As British help Libyan rebels, aid goes to a divided force


Coalition forces killed a Taliban and Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan commander in an airstrike in Baghlan. Security forces captured Taliban and Haqqani Network commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Khost, and Logar. Senators demanded the defense minister resign after a suicide bomber penetrated the ministry.

Palestinian Territories

Hamas security forces stormed a hideout used by the Salafists who executed a pro-Palestinian Italian activist. Two terrorists, including a Jordanian, from al the Qaeda-linked Monotheism and Holy War were killed.

Al Qaeda

Omar Hassan, whose sister, Omayma, is married to Ayman al Zawahiri, was killed in Afghanistan earlier this year. Hassan likely facilitated the 2006 merger of the external branch of the Egyptian Islamic Group with al Qaeda.


Ayman al Balawi was among 103 Salafi Islamists rounded up by Jordanian security forces after attacks in Zarqa wounded 83 policemen. Balawi is the brother of the al Qaeda operative who detonated a suicide vest at a CIA outpost in Khost, Afghanistan in December 2009.


The government lifted the 48-year-old emergency law and abolished the state security court. Security forces opened fire on anti-government protesters in Homs, wounding 25.