Monthly Archives: April 2011


The US military said the Libyan conflict is “moving toward a stalemate” even though it estimates that US and NATO strikes have destroyed 30-40 percent of Gaddafi’s ground forces. The US plans to maintain two patrols of Predator aircraft above Libya, but weather caused two Predators sent yesterday to turn back.


Government forces reportedly shot protesters in several cities, killing 60, in the bloodiest day in the five-week uprising. Despite concessions by President Assad, thousands of protesters are demanding an end to his rule and the establishment of a democracy.


The Islamic militants arrested yesterday for plotting to bomb a Catholic cathedral near Jakarta during Good Friday services planned to film the explosion and broadcast it, Indonesian police said. The 19 suspects, described as “all in their 30s and many of them university graduates,” include some who may have participated in previous attacks.


Loyal, secretive security forces keep Syria leader in power


The Taliban killed three policemen in Nangarhar and a French soldier in Kapisa. Special operations teams captured several Taliban and Haqqani Network fighters and commanders in Helmand, Kandahar, Khost, and Logar.


Christian governor to resign in Upper Egypt amid protests


Sixteen Pakistanis were killed in a bombing at a gambling hall in Karachi; no group has claimed the attack. The US will provide Pakistan with 85 unarmed Raven UAVs.


Insurgents killed a child in Samarra and a student in Mosul. Security forces detained 33 wanted men, including two Pakistanis and an Egyptian, in Basrah, and six insurgents in Kirkuk.


Police arrested 19 terror suspects involved in a plot to blow up a church over Easter weekend in Serpong; police found a massive bomb at the gas pipeline leading to the church. Police said Jemaah Islamiyah spiritual leader Abu Bakir Bashir may have masterminded the recent attacks in the country.


Twenty-one people were killed in fighting between Shabaab fighters and the pro-government Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama’a in El Waq. Puntland security forces detained 10 people suspected of being involved in attacks in Bosaso.