Monthly Archives: April 2011


Security forces and supporters of President Saleh killed 15 people and wounded more than 300 in attacks on protesters in Taiz and Hudaida. The US is pushing for Saleh’s removal from power.


Five people were killed after Shabaab fighters attacked Somali and African Union bases in Mogadishu. Two people were killed during infighting within Somali security forces south of Mogadishu.


Rebel forces have failed to retake the town of Brega after four days of fighting. The rebels’ ad hoc government and military council is showing signs of strain after suffering military losses.


Pakistan – Court ordered governments to locate family of Davis’ victims


Tehran accused PJAK of recent attacks against police in western Iran. Lawmakers demanded that Saudi Arabia apologize to Bahrain for its military incursion.


A pair of Taliban suicide bombers killed 42 people in an attack at a Sufi shrine in Dera Ghazi Khan. Security forces killed 15 Taliban and Lashkar-e-Islam fighters in Khyber and Hangu.


Two policemen were killed in Koran-burning protests in Kandahar. The Taliban killed four Afghan soldiers in Wardak and Khost. Security forces killed and captured dozens of Taliban and Haqqani Network commanders and fighters in Helmand, Zabul, Khost, Paktia, Baghlan, Kunduz, Kunar, and Uruzgan.


Security forces detained 20 wanted men in Basrah and Maysan. Al Qaeda in Iraq claimed it carried out last week’s suicide assault on the Salahadin provincial center that killed more than 50 people.


The six members of the Gulf Cooperation Council denounced Iran for its “continuing interference” in the region. The council issued the statement after Saudi Arabia sent troops to back the government of Bahrain during anti-government protests thought to have been incited by Iran.


Commander Hassan Dahir Aweys admitted Shabaab has suffered major losses during the Somali and African Union offensive. Somali troops claimed to have taken control of Dhobley. A new, semi-autonomous state of Azania was created in the south.


Government forces battled rebels in the streets for control over the oil town of Brega. Saif al Islam, the son of President Gaddafi, offered a plan to transition to democracy under his watch.

Al Qaeda

Pakistan: Shahbaz Sharif threatens long march against drone strikes