Monthly Archives: April 2011


One of the suicide bombers who attacked a Sufi mosque last week was from Bajaur. Seven troops were wounded in an ambush on a convoy in Khyber. The Taliban torched two NATO fuel trucks in Dhaddar.


Arrested journalist’s book claims Turkish police infiltrated by Islamic movement


The governor of Kunar said 132 Taliban fighters have been killed, 20 have been wounded, and 47 more have been captured during an ongoing operation. US troops killed seven Taliban fighters who assaulted a base in Nangarhar. Several Taliban commanders and fighters were killed or captured in Nangarhar, Kandahar, Helmand, Zabul, and Khost. Two ISAF […]


An al Qaeda in Iraq suicide bomber killed three people in an April 5 attack in Baaj west of Mosul. Three Iraqis were killed in two IED attacks near a Shia shrine in Baghdad. Five terrorists were detained in Baghdad.


As Afghanistan braces for the spring fighting season, the US hopes its preparation has paid off


Turkish intelligence agencies believe that al Qaeda is planning on attacking Incirlik Air Base and Jewish synagogues. The attacks are thought to have been planned by Abu Muhammed Al Kurdi and Salih Battal, two Syrian al Qaeda operatives.


Police issued a terror alert after receiving a threat from Shabaab operatives. Police have been instructed to “be on the lookout for any suspicious material and explosive accessories” and to step up patrols at crowded areas and sensitive sites.


More than 35 Shabaab fighters, including a commander, Hassan Abdurrahman Gumarey, were killed in recent fighting in Dhobley. Twenty people were wounded in a bombing at a market in Hargeysa in Somaliland.


The International Criminal Court claimed President Gaddafi planned to kill civilians before the rebellion broke out, and may indict Gaddafi. NATO said the protection of civilians in Misruta is its top priority after rebel leaders criticized the coalition for failing to hit Gaddafi’s forces.


The US Southern Command voiced concern to the Senate over the Iran-Venezuela partnership. Germany scrapped a plan to funnel oil money between India and Iran. The Iranian envoy to the United Nations said Tehran is ready to continue talks with the P5+1.