Monthly Archives: April 2011


Pakistan – Fighting flares in northwest between security forces and suspected militants


The US warned Brazil that 21 al Qaeda and other Islamist terrorists are based in the country. Among them is Khaled Hussein Ali, who runs an internet cafe and manages Jihad Media Battalion, an al Qaeda propaganda arm.


Rise of smaller militant cells forces Indonesia to rethink terror strategy


The military claimed it killed 50 Taliban fighters in airstrikes in Mohmand. A suicide bomber killed one person in Quetta. The Taliban claimed it killed Colonel Imam for betraying Islam by working for Pakistan’s intelligence services.


The Taliban killed four security officials in a suicide assault in Kandahar and killed an ISAF soldier in the east. Security forces killed and captured scores of Taliban, HIG, and Haqqani Network commanders and fighters in Helmand, Uruzgan, Parwan, Kandahar, Ghazni, Wardak, Logar, and Faryab. A Taliban fighter in Sar-i-Pul was killed after locals refused […]

United States

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab has been given until Aug. 19 to have the opportunity to reach a plea deal with prosecutors for his role in the 2009 Christmas Day plot to blow up an airliner over Detroit. Abdulmutallab’s trial is set for October and he will be representing himself during his court hearings.


US Defense Secretary Robert Gates said US troops could stay in Iraq after the December 2011 withdrawal deadline if Iraq’s government makes the request. Security forces detained eight wanted men in Anbar province.


Saudi Arabia is leading the Gulf states in brokering a deal for President Saleh to step down; Saleh has rejected the efforts as unconstitutional. The US embassy warned its citizens to keep away from the Presidential Palace, the Saleh Mosque, Sana’a University, and Tahrir Square in Sana’a, in anticipation of violence during Friday protests.


Shabaab forces killed two Somali troops in an ambush in Dharkenlay. Twenty Shabaab fighters in Beledweyne surrendered to the government. The prime minister said Somali and African Union forces would eject Shabaab from Mogadishu within a year.


Libyan rebels said that 13 of their fighters were killed in a NATO airstrike in the town of Ajdabiyah. Rebel forces are retreating from the town after forces loyal to President Gaddafi attacked. AFRICOM’s commanding general said the war in Libya has reached a stalemate.


Arab unrest makes Israeli-Palestinian peace harder, Netanyahu says