Monthly Archives: April 2011


The Taliban killed a police official in Logar. A suicide bomber wounded seven soldiers and three civilians in Kabul. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban and Haqqani Network commanders and fighters in Helmand, Jawzjan, Ghazni, and Paktia.


Security forces killed three “gunmen” in Anbar. Insurgents killed a university professor in Mosul and a school teacher in Fallujah. Police killed five kidnappers during a shootout in Bayji; the kidnapped man was also killed in the shootout.


The December 2010 Stockholm suicide bombing is thought to have been planned by bomber Taimour Abdulwahab for well over a year with the help of Ezedden Khalid Ahmed al-Khaledi, who was arrested in Scotland in March. Al-Khaledi allegedly opened accounts in four UK banks since 2003 for the purpose of financing terrorism.


Syrian forces killed at least 36 people yesterday after opening fire on apparently peaceful protesters; today the government vowed to crack down further. Across the country, protests are growing. The government blames “outsiders and those who were compelled by known foreign parties” for the unrest.


In an uptick in operational tempo, NATO airstrikes destroyed 15 tanks near Misrata and two near Brega. The NATO commander said Gaddafi’s forces are using women and children as human shields. NATO forces intercepted a MIG-23 flown by a rebel pilot who had taken off from Benghazi.


At least 13 people have been killed and dozens more injured in election-related bombings in Suleja and Maiduguri. For months, Boko Haram has been assassinating politicians and security personnel in Maiduguri, and election violence now seems worst there.


Kirkuk tensions highlight concerns over US troop exit

United States

Aftab Ali, a Pakistani man, pled guilty to illegally transferring money and lying to the FBI about his immigration status. Ali transferred $4,900 to Faisal Shahzad, the failed Times Square car bomber.


Doku Umarov, the emir of the Islamic Caucasus Emirate, spoke to the press to confirm he survived a March 28 raid in Ingushetia, and threatened to attack Russia. “They won’t receive any respite from me,” Umarov said.


In Egypt, Muslim Brotherhood’s charitable works may drive political support


More than 350 suicide bombers are training in North Waziristan. The military claimed it killed 30 Taliban fighters in airstrikes in Mohmand. Police captured two Taliban fighters in Karachi.


Security forces killed and captured dozens of Taliban and Haqqani Network commanders and fighters in Helmand, Paktia, Baghlan, Jawzjan, Kapisa. The Taliban killed a district police chief in Sar-i-Pul.


Iraqi troops clashed with members of the Mujaheddin-e-Khalq terrorist group at Camp Arshaf. Reports on casualties conflict; Iraqi government says three people were killed while the MEK claimed 31 were killed. Security forces detained two wanted men in Al Kut.


Somalia: Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama’a – We are ready to fight off al Shabaab


Separatists, terrorists involved in human rights abuses in India: US


Security forces killed 19 protesters after opening fire on crowds in Duraa. Protests have also been reported in the Islamist bastion of Hama.


Eight people were killed in a bombing at the Independent National Electoral Commission office in Suleja. No group has claimed the attack, but Boko Haram has carried out other attacks against election officials.


NATO apologized for an airstrike that killed 15 rebel fighters. NATO said that its pilots were unaware that rebels were using armored vehicles. Five people were killed as rebels repelled an assault by Gaddafi’s forces on Misrata.