Monthly Archives: April 2011


US Predators killed six Haqqani Network fighters in South Waziristan in the first strike in 27 days. Pakistani officials have denounced the South Waziristan strike.


Suicide bombers killed 10 Afghans, including a prominent tribal leader, in Kunar, and wounded 13 more in Kandahar and Kapisa. The Taliban killed five road workers in Nangarhar and a civilian in Logar. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban, Haqqani Network, IMU, and HIG commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, Faryab, Khost, Nangarhar, Paktika, […]


One person was killed and 16 more were wounded in a car bombing in Kirkuk. Security forces detained three wanted men in Kirkuk. A member of parliament said that turning over members of the People’s Mujahideen of Iran to Iran would be unconstitutional.


Ten people were killed during fighting between government and Shabaab forces in Mogadishu. Shabaab chopped off the limbs of three men in Johwar and killed Somali businessmen and elders in Bardhere for maintaining links with Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama’a.


Forces loyal to President Salah clashed with forces loyal to General Ali Mohsin Ahmar in the capital of Sana’a; two soldiers were killed. Pro-Saleh forces killed a protester in Aden.


Security forces detained more than 350 men during sweeping raids in the town of Baida. Anti-government protests have broken out in the town of Aleppo.


Analysis: Russian Internet attacks stifle political dissent


Tehran announced its willingness to begin new nuclear talks. President Ahmadinejad criticized US and Israeli foreign policy in the Middle East; he envisioned a “new Middle East” without Western influence.


Iraqi governor says ‘terror groups’ behind attacks on US forces


Interview with NATO Head Rasmussen: ‘There is no military solution to the Libya conflict’


Somalia: Best way to free pirate-held Indonesians is ‘through negotiations’


The military has detained former President Hosni Mubarak and his two sons Gamal and Alaa. The three will be held for 15 days while an inquiry into their use of force during winter protests takes place.


The chief of the US Pacific Command said that Lashkar-e-Taiba is expanding its operations into Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives, as well as Europe. “Unquestionably, they have spread their influence internationally, and they are no longer solely focused in South Asia and on India …” Admiral Willard said.

Jemaah Islamiyah

Thai intelligence services are searching for Para Wijayanto, one of the two top Jemaah Islamiyah leaders, who is also thought to be the terror group’s emir. Wijayanto is thought to have facilitated Umar Patek’s travel to Pakistan.