Monthly Archives: April 2011


Indonesia – Be careful of Arab-sponsored organizations: Nahdlatul Ulama

Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan

Tajik security forces claimed to have killed Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan commander Abdullo Rakhimov and 10 fighters during an operation in the east; one policeman was killed. Rakhimov, who is also known as Mullo Abdullo, carried out multiple attacks in Tajikistan.


Insurgents killed an Iraqi National Policeman in an attack in Baghdad and a policeman in Kirkuk. Security forces captured four terrorists in Baghdad and two more in Kirkuk.


An Egyptian court has ordered the disbanding of the NDP, former President Mubarak’s political party; the ruling gives the NDP’s money and property to the government and leaves the Muslim Brotherhood the strongest political organization in Egypt.


A Tunisian-born Swede pled innocent to charges connected with a terror plot against the Jyllands-Posten newspaper and was remanded until May 16. He and three other suspects are in custody in Denmark; a fifth man, an Iraqi who is thought to have obtained a flat for the plotters, has not been imprisoned.


President Assad promised to lift the country’s emergency laws by next week. He also promised other reforms, including legislation allowing the formation of political parties, but warned that once these reforms are implemented, “there will no longer be an excuse to organize protests in Syria.”


President Obama said the US withdrawal starting this summer is “not just a token gesture” and expects significant troops to leave the country. The Taliban killed Kandahar’s chief of police. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban, IMU, and Haqqani Network commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Paktika, and Logar.


A sniper killed two Iraqi soldiers in Khalis near Baqubah. Security forces captured an emir of Ansar al Sunnah in Diyala during a raid in Ninewa.


Intelligence officials claimed an Islamic cleric is recruiting youths to fight for Shabaab in Somalia. The cleric is based at a mosque in Majengo in Mombasa and is said to have traveled to Somalia in 2009 to be trained by “foreigners.”


The European Union sanctioned 32 Iranian officials for human rights abuses. Tehran warned the UN that unrest in Bahrain would spread to the entire Gulf region.


A purported Syrian intelligence document recommended that no more than 20 protesters be killed daily and said opposition leaders should be linked to Israel, the US, and disliked Saudi and Lebanese officials. Security forces clashed with protesters in Damascus. Syria denied any Iranian role in quelling domestic protests.