Monthly Archives: March 2011


UK defence secretary says conflict in Libya must not take focus off war in Afghanistan

Pakistan ready for peace with the Taliban?

This report from The Express Tribune on the Pakistani government opening negotiations with the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan is the first I’ve seen in the press. I’ve heard rumors of this from US military and non-military intelligence officials, and it does seem to fit with other related news reports. Pakistan has started peace […]


The Taliban executed four “US spies” accused of aiding the March 17 Predator strike in North Waziristan. Security forces arrested three suspects thought to be involved in the recent suicide attack in Faisalabad. The government is reportedly negotiating with the Taliban and has abandoned the tribal lashkars.

Al Qaeda

UK – Home Office launches campaign to tackle the threat of lone terrorist


Security forces killed and captured several Taliban, HIG, and IMU commanders and fighters in Helmand, Kandahar, and Baghlan. Spiegel published images of US soldiers displaying bodies of Afghans; the soldiers are on trial for murder.


Insurgents killed an Awakening leader in Kirkuk, the Director General of Iraq’s Oil Marketing and a colonel in the Iraqi Army in Baghdad, and a civilian in Baghdad. The National Reconciliation Minister is meeting with unnamed “armed groups.”


One Somali was killed in an IED attack outside of a police station in Bala Hawo. Ethiopian troops have pulled out of Bala Hawo and Luq. Somalia defense minister said Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Djibouti are willing to provide troops to the African Union mission.


It would be ‘unwise’ to directly target Col Gaddafi, Robert Gates warns


Allies target Qaddafi’s ground forces, but resistance continues, reports say


Major General Ali Mohsen Saleh, the commander of the first armored division and the northwest military commander, has joined protesters to oppose President Saleh. Two other brigadiers also have abandoned Saleh. Gunmen attacked power lines in Marib, forcing Sana’a to conduct rolling blackouts.


Turkey forced a second Iranian aircraft suspected of transporting illegal weapons and nuclear materials to Syria to land at Diyarbakir for inspection. Another Iranian plane forced to land last week was not found to contain banned materials.


The government claimed that UN forces bombed one of President Gaddafi’s compounds during airstrikes in Tripoli. Airstrikes are targeting Gaddafi’s ground forces in Ajdabiyah and Banghazi.


King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa claimed security forces foiled “an external plot” that has “fomented for 20 to 30 years until the ground was ripe for subversive designs.” Bahrain has blamed Iran for stirring up the Shia majority in the past.


North Waziristan Taliban leader Hafiz Gul Bahadar threatened to end the peace deal with the government. Predators have been spotted over North Waziristan, and the Pakistan Air Force has denied it was preparing to shoot the planes down. The head of the ISI has been granted a one-year extension.