Monthly Archives: March 2011


US Secretary of State Clinton said Iran is trying to influence various Arab uprisings. Zimbabwe announced that it is willing to supply Iran with uranium for its enrichment program. India resumed crude oil payments to Iran after negotiations.


Mumbai attack: US links cover for ISI chief to Davis case

‘Devout Muslim’ kills two US airmen in Germany

According to The Associated Press, a “devout Muslim” man shot and killed two US airmen today at an airport terminal in Frankfurt, Germany. The gunman, who appears to be named Arid Uka and was born in either Kosovo or Germany, boarded a bus that carried a group of airmen who had just arrived at the […]


General Petraeus apologized for US forces that accidentally killed nine boys who were collecting firewood in Kunar. The British Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee urged the US to negotiate directly with the Taliban.

ISAF apologizes for civilian deaths in Kunar

ISAF, and General Petraeus, have apologized for a March 1 helicopter strike in Kunar province that killed nine boys who were collecting firewood. The statement, in full, is below: Preliminary findings from a Joint Incident Assessment Team indicate that International Security Assistance Forces accidentally killed nine civilians in Darah-Ye Pech district, Kunar province yesterday. The […]


Two Swedes of Somali descent, Mohamoud Jama and Bille Ilias Mohamed, were acquitted of terrorism charges. Both had traveled to Somalia to join Shabaab and were Shabaab members, and one admitted to having trained in a Shabaab camp.


Insurgents killed two Iraqis in bombings in Baghdad and Mosul. Security forces arrested more than 50 members of the “religious extremist” group Naqshabandiya during raids in Kirkuk.

Jemaah Islamiyah

Wanted Jemaah Islamiyah operative Umar Patek has been spotted in Yemen. Patek may be recruiting some of the more than 2,000 Indonesian students studying Islam in Yemen.


Security forces killed two civilians in Lahj and arrested dozens of Southern Movement members in Aden. President Saleh apologized for blaming the protests in Yemen on the US.

United Kingdom

A British court convicted Rajib Karim, a British Airways employee, of plotting to carry out terrorist attacks. Karim, who was associated with Jamaat ul Mujahideen Bangladesh, plotted with Anwar al Awlaki, the wanted al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula leader.


Arif Uka, a Kosovo citizen from the town of Mitrovica, killed two US airmen and seriously wounded two others in an attack on a bus at a terminal in Frankfurt. US authorities believe it was a terrorist attack.


Shabaab beat 47 people in Masagawa for violating its strict code of sharia. Shabaab’s leader threatened Burundi troops and called for them to withdraw from Mogadishu. Kenya closed its border with Somalia.


Forces loyal to President Gaddafi and rebels are battling in the port town of Marsa El Brega. Rebels took control of the towns of Gharyan and Sabrath. Rebels have asked the UN to carry out airstrikes on foreign mercenaries fighting for Gaddafi.


The Tunisian government has removed the ban on Ennahdha, an Islamist political party that has been outlawed for more than 20 years. Rached Ghannouch, the leader of Ennahdha, returned from exile last month and is expected to run for president.

Awlaki’s emails to terror plotter show operational role

rajib_karim.jpgOn Monday, a British Airways employee named Rajib Karim was convicted of plotting to blow up a US-bound airliner. While planning the attack, Rajib emailed back and forth with al Qaeda cleric Anwar al Awlaki. The emails reveal that Awlaki played a direct, operational role in Rajib’s plotting.