Monthly Archives: March 2011


Jamaat-e-Islami: CIA assassinated Shahbaz Bhatti to divert attention from Raymond Davis issue


The Taliban killed three Afghan soldiers in Parwan and Kandahar, a policeman in Herat, and an ISAF soldier in the south. Security forces killed a Taliban district shadow governor and a fighter in Kunduz, and two more fighters in Herat.

United States

Two Americans, Mohamed Mahmood Alessa, and Carlos Eduardo Almonte, pled guilty to attempting to travel to Somalia and join Shabaab. Adis Medunjanin, an associate of convicted terrorist Najibullah Zazi, told prosecutors he traveled to Pakistan to receive training.


Al Qaeda and Shabaab have established a Taliban-like regime in Mogadishu’s suburb of Qobdoro. Shabaab is deploying more fighters from the Bay and Bakool areas to Mogadishu. Hassan Dahir Aweys vowed to continue to wage jihad against Somali and African Union forces.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

A terrorism court in Sa’ana, Yemen convicted one al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula operative to 15 years in prison and two others to two years for targeting foreigners in terrorist attacks. Videos of AQAP leader Anwar al Awalaki remain on YouTube despite efforts to have them taken down.


President Saleh rejected opposition claims that he agreed to step down and said he will stay in power until 2013. Security forces wounded five protesters in Al Baeda.


Pakistan – Rehman Malik says he’s on Taliban hit list along with Rehman, Wahab


Rebel forces in Zawiyah repelled an attack by Libyan forces loyal to President Gaddafi. The assault force included tanks and armored personnel carriers. More than 30 people were reported killed.


The Taliban killed nine people in a bombing at a mosque in Nowshera and torched three NATO fuel tankers in Khyber. Gunmen killed a man accused of blasphemy in Rawalpindi. Security forces killed two Taliban fighters and detained 13 more in Kohat.


Security forces killed and captured several Taliban and Haqqani Network commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Khost, and Kunar. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the south.


Afghans would support Taliban office In Turkey – Afghan national security advisor


Fifty-three African Union peacekeepers have been killed during heavy fighting with Shabaab in Mogadishu over the past two weeks. Most (43) are from Burundi, which has suppressed the casualties. The other 10 are from Uganda.


Obama signals willingness to intervene militarily in Libya if crisis worsens