Monthly Archives: March 2011


Libya uprising: Britain and France back ‘targeted’ strikes to stop Gaddafi using chemical weapons

Why is Kunar being ignored in the Afghan handover?

Yesterday The Associated Press reported that the Afghan government will announce that its security forces will take over control of six areas: Lashkar Gah in Helmand province, Mazar-e-Sharif in Balkh province, Kabul province (with the exception of Surobi), and Herat, Bamiyan, and Panshir provinces: Afghan forces will soon replace NATO-led troops in charge of security […]

Yet another HIG commander captured in eastern Afghanistan

ISAF and Afghan forces captured another commander from the Hizb-i-Islami Gulbuddin, this time during a raid in the eastern province of Nangarhar on March 8. Note that the HIG commander works for both al Qaeda and the Taliban. [Also note: The original press release erroneously stated in the first sentence that it was a Haqqani […]


China said it supported Iran’s right to peaceful nuclear enrichment under the Non-Proliferation Treaty. President Ahmadinejad’s top advisor said the UN Security Council is not a credible body. Tehran plans to issue 3 billion euros’ worth of domestic bonds to finance the South Pars gas field.


A Taliban suicide bomber killed Kunduz’s police chief and four bodyguards. ISAF troops accidentally killed President Karzai’s cousin during a night raid in Kandahar. The Taliban beheaded a father and son in Nimroz for spying and killed a British soldier in Helmand.


Gadhafi likely to survive revolt, US intelligence chief says


Lack of Afghan political strategy worrisome as West prepares to relinquish security

United States

Jamie Paulin Ramirez, a US citizen and accomplice of “Jihad Jane” Colleen LaRose, pled guilty in US federal court to a terrorism charge related to a plot to kill a Swedish cartoonist; LaRose pled guilty to similar charges last month. The two women had traveled overseas “to participate in and in support of violent jihad.” […]


Heavy airstrikes have driven the rebels from the strategic oil town of Ras Lanuf. Gaddafi’s forces appear to be gaining momentum, with vastly superior air power, weaponry, and cash reserves. France has recognized the main rebel group as Libya’s official representative, but the EU and NATO have not yet decided to impose a no-fly zone.


An anti-Taliban tribal leader threatened to stop supporting the government after a suicide attack in Peshawar. Some Pakistani drivers for NATO supplies have refused to ship materials to Afghanistan. The Taliban bombed two schools and a bridge in Khyber.


Insurgents killed two people in Fallujah and attempted to bomb an oil pipeline to Syria. Security forces detained eight wanted men in Kirkuk and Amara.


Sectarian clashes in Egypt challenge revolutionary idealism


Somali troops took control of Rabdhure and El Waq; four Shabaab fighters were reported to have been killed during the fighting, Puntland police arrested four suspected Shabaab operatives, including the brother of Sheikh Mohamed Atom, in Galkayo.


Police lidentified nine Shabaab fighters thought to be operating between Kenya and Somalia. Five of the Shabaab fighters are thought to be plotting attacks in Kenya.


Human Rights Watch accused Yemeni officials and security forces of facilitating attacks on protesters in Sana’a. President Saleh offered to hold a vote on modifying the constitution and transition to a parliamentary government by the end of the year.