Monthly Archives: March 2011

Al Qaeda

Iraq – Mosul Christians ‘terrorized’ and ‘ready to leave’

ISAF targets HIG in east, IMU in north

The ISAF and Afghan special operations raids continue against the Hizb-i Islami Gulbuddin in the east and the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan in the north. From the latest ISAF press release on the raids against HIG in Khost: In the Sabari and Bak Districts of Khost province, Afghan and coalition forces targeted a Hezb-e Islami […]


Libya rebel leader: I have evidence Gaddafi ordered Lockerbie


Basij hackers attacked several opposition websites. Tehran set a trial date for two imprisoned American hikers. China and Iran signed a deal to construct the “world’s largest dam” outside Tehran.

Al Qaeda

Glossy ‘Jihad Cosmo’ combines beauty tips with suicide bombing advice


Two fighters, shoulder to shoulder, show the diversity of the Libyan rebel forces

The Taliban

The Taliban announced that it kidnapped Colin Rutherford, a Canadian citizen who reportedly was traveling in the Afghan-Pakistan region, and claimed he was a spy. Rutherford was captured by the Taliban in Ghazni province.


US Predators killed six “militants” in airstrikes in North and South Waziristan. The Taliban killed eight people in an attack on a bus in Hangu. Eighteen people have been killed in targeted killings in Karachi. Security forces killed four “terrorists” in Swat.


The senate said ISAF should delay the turnover of security to Afghan troops. The Taliban killed four civilians in Kandahar and an ISAF soldier in the south. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban fighters in Helmand and Kunar.


Insurgents killed a policeman and a health official in Mosul. Security forces killed an al Qaeda commander in Addaya, and detained two al Qaeda commanders south of Kirkuk and eight wanted men in Basrah. Two insurgents killed themselves in a premature detonation in Shurqat.


Ten people were killed during fighting in Mogadishu. Two people were killed after police forces battled amongst themselves in Mogadishu. Five Shabaab fighters died in a premature detonation in Lanto Buro. Shabaab’s leadership in Kismayo called on young men to fight the government in Mogadishu.


‘Pakistan military support terrorists, smugglers’ – senior Afghan military, police


Security forces killed seven protesters and wounded more than 110 after opening fire on crowds across the country. Doctors accused the government of using nerve gas. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters killed a soldier in Abyan.


Iran ‘using child soldiers’ to suppress Tehran protests


Iran called on the UN Human Rights Council to investigate Western support for the MKO, the PJAK, and Jundallah. China will help Iran develop the Azadegan oil fields. Iran offered to negotiate with the UAE on the disputed island of Abu Musa.

North Korea

As other authoritarian leaders fall, N. Korea pushes ahead with succession plan


Veering from peaceful models, Libya’s youth revolt turns toward chaos


Gates tells Bahrain’s king that ‘baby steps’ to reform aren’t enough