Monthly Archives: March 2011


The Shabwan tribe in Marib province attacked a pipeline and cut off the flow of 120,000 barrels of oil a day. The government accused the Joint Meeting Parties of collaborating with al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and Houthi rebels.


Pakistani officials won’t rule on American’s diplomatic immunity


Indonesia – Politician says program to convert Islamic sect is ‘regrettable’


Tehran rebuked Saudi Arabia for moving troops into Bahrain. The Israeli Defense Force seized containers of Iranian weapons headed for the Gaza Strip. The Iranian military is recruiting international hackers for its “cyber brigade”.


The king of Bahrain declared martial law to clamp down on protests from Shia minorities. More than 1,000 Saudi troops have deployed to Bahrain, while the United Arab Emirates promised to deploy 500 policemen.

Al Qaeda

In a message released by As Sahab, al Qaeda ideologue Abu Yahya a Libi attacked the West for supporting authoritarian governments and urged Muslims not to succumb to other dictators. “These uprisings showed that the infidel governments of the West only know their interests and the interests of their own people,” he said.


Forces loyal to President Gaddafi continue to march east toward Benghazi. Government troops are clashing with rebel forces in Brega, as rebels are reinforcing Ajdabiyah after airstrikes. The UN Security Council is still debating the imposition of a no-fly zone.


The Israeli Defense Forces intercepted a cargo ship laden with weapons for Hamas. “According to assessments, the various weaponry on-board the vessel was intended for the use of terror organisations operating in the Gaza Strip,” the IDF said.


A Taliban suicide bomber killed 37 Afghans at an Army recruitment center in Kunduz. The Taliban killed a civilian in an IED attack in Nangarhar. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban, HIG, and IMU fighters in Helmand, Kunar, Kandahar, Zabul, Ghazni, Khost, and Baghlan.


A suicide bomber killed nine soldiers in an attack on an outpost in Kanaan in Diyala. Insurgents killed a policeman in Mosul and a civilian in Baghdad.


Pentagon’s quiet shift on Afghanistan war: Maybe safe havens aren’t crucial


US Predators killed six Taliban fighters in a strike in the Miramshah area of North Waziristan. The Taliban bombed a girls’ school in Khyber. Six more people were killed in violence in Karachi.


Shabaab claimed it defeated government forces in Beletweyne and took control of a military base. Shabaab denied it lost control of several of its bases in Mogadishu.


Protesters in Al Jawf province stormed a security headquarters and killed a general and two sergeants. Protesters also torched a police station in Aden. Yemen evicted four US and British journalists.


Halal or Haram? A new council gives advice to Muslims in Sweden


A man detained in Glasgow on Mar. 8 faces terrorism charges in connection with the December 2010 suicide bombing in Stockholm. He is thought to be Kuwaiti and to have used different names in the past.