Monthly Archives: March 2011

Pakistan to shoot down US Predators?

Is the Pakistani military considering shooting down the CIA-operated unmanned US Predator and Reaper strike aircraft that roam the skies over Pakistan’s tribal agency of North Waziristan? Two reports over the past 24 hours, from STRATFOR and The Express Tribune, are giving that impression. First the STRATFOR report: Citing unconfirmed reports, STRATFOR Pakistani sources said […]


Police suspect al Qaeda was involved in a bombing at a Peoples Democratic Party rally in Suleja two weeks ago that killed 11 people. Police found information on a suspect’s cell phone that may link him to the terror group.


Mohammad al Zawahiri, the brother of al Qaeda’s Ayman al Zawahiri, justified terror attacks against the US. “Jihad holds a legitimate place in the duties of Muslims, and is legitimate [against] America, which violates Muslim lands,” he said.


Security forces in Deraa fired teargas to break up crowds gathered at the funeral of two people killed during protests on March 18. Several people were injured and one was arrested.


The US launched more than 110 cruise missiles at Libyan air defense installations. Forces loyal to President Gaddafi have reached the outskirts of Benghazi, the rebel stronghold, and have launched ground and artillery strikes into the city.

United Kingdom

A court sentenced Rajib Karim, a former British Airways employee, to 30 years in prison for plotting to carry out terror attacks on airplanes. Karim worked with al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula leader Anwar al Awlaki.


The National Anti-Terror Agency chief said a series of four book bombings that wounded four people in Jakarta have been executed by Jemaah Islamiyah. “All three bombs’ intended recipients were the group’s enemies,” the anti-terror chief said.


The top tribal leaders in North Waziristan vowed to wage jihad and carry out suicide attacks against the US. General Petraeus said Pakistan needs to act in North Waziristan. The Taliban executed a spy in Kohat.

ISAF identifies more ‘foreign fighters camps’ in Afghanistan

Last night, ISAF noted that the Taliban was training “foreign fighters” at camps in the Sayyad Valley district in the northern province of Sar-i-Pul. In the same press release, ISAF also noted that special operations forces targeted a Taliban commander in Zabul who is linked to “insurgent foreign fighter training camps.” In Qalat District, Zabul […]


Security forces killed and captured several Taliban, Haqqani Network, and HIG commanders and fighters in Helmand, Zabul, Khost, Wardak, and Sar-i-Pul. The Taliban killed a British soldier in Helmand and kidnapped six road workers contracted by the UN in Sar-i-Pul.


Eighteen people were killed during fighting between Shabaab fighters and Somali and African Union forces in Mogadishu. Infighting between Somali troops in Mogadishu resulted in the death of one soldier. Puntland suspended Saracen International’s anti-piracy training program.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Yemen’s Interior Ministry claimed it captured Khalid Saeed BaTarfi, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s “communication officer.” BaTarfi is also an AQAP military commander in Abyan province.


Security forces and “unidentified snipers” opened fire on protesters at Sanaa University, killing 42 people. President Saleh declared a state of emergency after the massacre.


Abboud al Zommor, an Egyptian Islamic Jihad commander who was released from prison, said he will form a political party. Zommor was the mastermind behind the 1981 assassination of President Anwar Sadat.


The United Nations passed a resolution to enforce a no-fly zone. President Gaddafi called for a unilateral ceasefire as fighting is reported in Misrata.


Libya calls ceasefire after Britain and France vow action ‘soon’


An Iranian cleric encouraged Bahraini Shiites to continue to protest. Tehran claimed it successfully launched a new space capsule. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu advocated action against Iran.