Monthly Archives: December 2010


Ibn Amin, a senior Taliban and al Qaeda commander, was killed in the Dec. 17 Predator strike in Khyber. The Peshawar High Court released hundreds of Taliban fighters. The Taliban ambushed a NATO fuel convoy in Khyber and destroyed two tankers. Four terrorists were detained in Khyber.


Pakistan: Militants ‘surrounded convoy’ before destroying trucks with rockets

Jordanian al Qaeda operative killed in Afghanistan

Abu Kandahar al Zarqawi was an administrator at the jihadist Al Hesbah forum and an associate of Abu Dujanah al Khurasani, the suicide bomber who carried out the suicide attack against the CIA at Combat Outpost Chapman in Khost province.


Coalition and Afghan forces killed and captured scores of Taliban and Haqqani Network commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Zabul, Khost, Nangarhar, Kunar, and Kunduz. Two of seven Bangladeshi workers kidnapped in Balkh have been freed.

United Kingdom

Police arrested 12 Islamists suspected of plotting to carry out bombings during the Christmas season. The early morning raids took place in Birmingham, Cardiff, London and Stoke-on-Trent. Several of the men are from Bangladesh.


A Hizbul Islam spokesman confirmed that his group has merged with Shabaab; an announcement may be made this week. Four soldiers and a civilian were killed in an IED attack in Mogadishu.


Cleric’s anti-US forces poised for gains in Iraq


The US was concerned about the safety of Yemeni nuclear materials after the government left a facility unguarded for more than a week. Security forces sent reinforcements to Lahj after clashes with the Southern Movement.


Iran executed 11 Jundallah suspects in connection with recent bombings. Petroleum prices quadrupled after the government ended subsidies. Adm. Mullen reassured Gulf allies that the US will prevent Iranian military hegemony in the Persian Gulf.


US Vice President Joe Biden said the US would be out of Afghanistan in 2014 “come hell or high water.” Taliban suicide assault teams killed 13 soldiers and policemen in attacks on military recruitment centers in Kabul and Kunduz. The Taliban also killed an ISAF soldier in the south. Coalition and Afghan forces killed and […]


Hizbul Islam surrendered to Shabaab and merged with the terror group after losing its last strongholds south of Mogadishu. It is unclear if Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys will take a leadership position in Shabaab.


Members of the Southern Movement kidnapped an army officer in Lahj. India is sending 100 commandos to protect its missions in Yemen. President Saleh’s political adviser said Yemen can fight terrorism alone.


A parliamentary commission voted to cut off diplomatic relations with Britain. The US suspected Indian companies were aiding Iran’s missile program and Syria’s chemical and biological programs. Police deployed in Tehran as food and fuel subsidy cuts began.