Monthly Archives: December 2010


Pakistan, Iran jockey for influence after bombings


The UN reportedly has proof that Hezbollah was directly involved in the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri. Indictments of Hezbollah officials are rumored to be coming by the end of the year.


US embassy cables: Taliban using opium stocks like savings nest egg


ISAF’s top spokesman said there was “absolutely no truth” to rumors that special operations raids would target the Taliban in Pakistan. Pakistan’s ambassador to the US insisted foreign troops could not operate on its soil. The Taliban torched two NATO container trucks in Khudzar.


Coalition and Afghan forces killed and captured dozens of Taliban and Haqqani Network commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, Nangarhar, Zabul, Paktia, Logar, and Takhar. Two Taliban fighters died from a premature detonation in Logar. The Taliban killed two ISAF soldiers in the south.


Afghanistan – British troops will hunt Taliban’s winter hideouts, says senior officer


Iraq’s Parliament approved Nouri al Maliki as Prime Minister, and also approved three deputy prime ministers and 29 cabinet positions. Security forces killed an al Qaeda leader in Mosul. Insurgents killed an intelligence officer in Baghdad.


Fighters formerly loyal to Hizbul Islam have poured into Mogadishu to swell the ranks of Shabaab. The African Union downplayed Hizbul Islam’s union with Shabaab. Shabaab arrested farmers who refused to sell their land to pro-Shabaab businessmen.


US Attorney General Eric Holder said Anwar al Awlaki is one of the most wanted terrorists, on par with Osama bin Laden. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters killed a soldier during an attack on a checkpoint in Abyan province.

ISAF: ‘Absolutely no truth’ to rumors of cross-border raids into Pakistan

As noted last night, the likelihood of US special operations forces expanding ground operations into Pakistan is slim. Today, ISAF repudiated last night’s report by The New York Times, which claimed that the US was on the cusp of green-lighting expanded operations in Pakistan’s tribal areas. Today, ISAF’s spokesman forcefully denied the NYT report. From […]


Casualties in Iran’s latest earthquake rose to 40. Lebanese members of parliament denounced Supreme Leader Khamenei’s comments on the investigation of the assassination of Rafiq Hariri. Iran boosted the domestic production of gasoline to 1 billion liters.


Three people were killed and 37 more were wounded after a man detonated a grenade on a bus in Nairobi. Police suspect Shabaab may be involved in the attack. The bus was destined for Kampala, Uganda.

US to expand ground ops in Pakistan?

According to The New York Times, US military leaders are pushing for the expansion of US ground operations against the Taliban based in Pakistan: The proposal, described by American officials in Washington and Afghanistan, would escalate military activities inside Pakistan, where the movement of American forces has been largely prohibited because of fears of provoking […]


US military in Afghanistan – Life and death decisions weigh on junior officers


India says Pakistan must drop ‘terror’ for friendly ties