Monthly Archives: December 2010


Eleven Pakistani soldiers and 24 Taliban fighters were killed in heavy fighting after the Taliban assaulted five checkpoints in Mohmand. Pakistani security forces reportedly detained Nasiruddin Haqqani, the top financier for the Haqqani Network. The US transferred more than $600 million to Pakistan to fighter terrorists groups.


Coalition and Afghan forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Kabul, Logar, and Ghor. Special operations forces accidentally killed two security guards in Kabul. The Taliban killed two civilians in a bombing in Khost.


Insurgents killed five civilians in Hillah, two policemen in Samarra, and a surgeon in Baghdad. Security forces detained eight wanted men in Hillah. Police arrested a father, who killed his daughter because she joined al Qaeda.


Shabaab’s spokesman appealed to al Qaeda to send more fighters to Somalia to wage jihad against African Union forces and the Transitional Federal Government. Al Qaeda is rumored to have relieved Shabaab’s leader of command and replaced him with Ibrahim Haji Jama; the report is unconfirmed.


The Interior Ministry plans to create counterterrorism units in Marib, Shabwa, Hadramout, and Abyan provinces. The US requested that Yemen take “forceful action” against al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. Southern separatists released a captive Army officer.


Iran cannot confirm that Pakistan has detained the new leader of Jundallah. The chief of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps claimed that Qatar is ready to deepen military ties with Iran. President Ahmedinejad claimed UN sanctions have failed.

Saudi Arabia

Saudi police killed one suspected al Qaeda fighter and arrested another in Wadi al-Dawasir, in the central part of the country. One of the two militants was disguised as a woman, and one of them had opened fire on security forces who had stopped the suspects’ car at a checkpoint.

Afghan forces have captured Qods Force operatives in the past

ISAF has retracted its statement that a Taliban commander who smuggled weapons from Iran was also a Qods Force operative. My sources maintain that the Taliban commander is indeed linked to Qods Force. This BBC article, which notes that Qods Force members have been detained by Afghan security forces in the past, may provide some […]


Norad Santa Tracker 2010: follow Father Christmas across globe


As drone strikes have increased, so have assassinations, Pakistanis say


Egypt’s Coptic Christians struggle against institutionalised prejudice


Swiss official urges charging three with nuke smuggling


Indian police launch manhunt for four members of Lashkar-e-Taiba in Mumbai


Security forces arrested six suspected members of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan during operations over the past two days in Sughd province. Fifteen IMU members have been detained over the past two weeks.


Security forces are searching for four Lashkar-e-Taiba operatives who are thought to be planning attacks in the city of Mumbai. The men were identified as Abdul Karim Musa, Noor Abul Elahi, Walid Jinnah, and Mehfooz Alam.


Coalition and Afghan forces killed and captured dozens of Taliban and Haqqani Network commanders and fighters in Helmand, Ghazni, Khost, and Kunar. ISAF forces may have accidentally killed two civilians in Faryab. A suicide bomber killed a policeman in Faryab.