Monthly Archives: December 2010

Al Qaeda

Interpol received information that al Qaeda is planning attacks in the United States and Europe. “We received information yesterday from the Interpol office in Baghdad about possible threats, especially in the US and Europe, due to orders given to Al Qaeda cells by Al Qaeda commanders,” a spokesman said.


Security forces arrested a female suicide bomber in Baqubah, and 11 wanted men in Miqdadiyah. Insurgents wounded four civilians in Baghdad, two soldiers in Mosul, and a policeman and a civilian in Ninewa.

On the Afghanistan assessment

I haven’t had time to write about the Afghanistan assessment as I have spent a lot of time on the subject discussing it on the radio or with reporters. Honestly, there is little that is new or surprising in the assessment [see Tom’s assessment and discussion on the problem with Pakistan here, with which I […]


Twenty people were killed and 35 more were wounded in fighting between Shabaab and Somali forces in Mogadishu. African Union forces denied shelling the Bakara market in Mogadishu.


Afghanistan – Taliban accused of forcing farmers to grow opium poppy instead of saffron


Pakistani economist: China is a more reliable trading partner than the US


Two Iranian-Americans were charged with executing a money laundering scheme to send money to Iran. Tehran arrested eight suspects in connection with the Chabahar suicide bombing.


US Predators killed seven Taliban fighters in an airstrike in Khyber. Security forces detained two Lashkar-e-Jhangvi operatives in Karachi. The Taliban killed a young child in a grenade attack targeting a Shia procession in Peshawar.


The Taliban killed 14 civilians in an IED attack in Herat. ISAF accidentally killed four Afghan soldiers in an airstrike in Helmand. ISAF and Afghan troops killed several Taliban fighters in Helmand.


Security forces detained 39 “armed groups’ leaders” in Najaf and two wanted men in Kirkuk. Insurgents killed a former electricity ministry official in Baghdad. The UN Security Council lifted the remaining sanctions on Iraq.


Ten people were killed in fighting between Shabaab and Somali and African Union forces in Mogadishu. President Sharif called for Shabaab and Hizbul Islam to join the government. Shabaab chopped off a boy’s hand after accusing him of theft.


Police arrested a Jordanian man suspected of attempting to kill four US embassy employees in Sana’a. The Jordanian is thought to belong to al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula; the interior ministry denied, however, that he had any links to the terror group.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Fahd Mohammed Ahmed al Quso, a top operational commander of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, dispelled reports of his death by a Predator strike in North Waziristan by granting an interview with Al Sharq al Awsat. Quso has been indicted by the US for his role in the suicide attack on the USS Cole […]