Monthly Archives: December 2010


Israel – Gov’t concerned French arms for Lebanese Armed Forces will go to Hizbullah

United States

Pakistani intelligence official denies agency role in revealing name of CIA station chief

Al Qaeda

US memo, jailed Indian Mujahideen man reveal Al Qaeda’s India links


The Iraqiya party, led by Iyad Allawi, will join a government headed by Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki. Iraqiya agreed to join after a ban on three members of its party was lifted. The government is expected to be formed on Monday.

Quetta Shura ‘inspector’ killed in the Afghan north

Map of Afghanistan’s provinces. Click map to view larger image. Special operations forces took out a senior Taliban “inspector” in an airstrike in northern Afghan province of Badghis. From the ISAF press release: Coalition forces conducted a precision air strike in Bala Murghab district in Badghis province, killing a senior Taliban leader Dec. 17. Mullah […]

Al Qaeda

Printer bomb plot: police unwittingly considered transporting live device


Coalition and Afghan forces killed and captured scores of Taliban and Haqqani Network commanders and fighters during raids in Kandahar, Helmand, Nangarhar, Kapisa, and Badghis. The Taliban killed two civilians in a suicide attack in Kandahar and an ISAF soldier in the south.


A Shabaab commander criticized overall leader Sheikh Muktar Abdirahman Abu Zubeyr for fighting against the rival Hizbul Islam, and said “the fighting in Burhakaba was not jihad.” Shabaab seized control of Burhakaba from Hizbul Islam after weeks of heavy fighting.


The four Americans who escaped an attack at a cafe in Sana’a worked for the CIA. US counterterrorism adviser John Brennan said al Qaeda in Yemen poses a larger threat to the West than the Pakistan branch.


The Chairman of the US Joint Chief of Staff Admiral Mullen said Iran is still pursuing nuclear weapons, and said the US is prepared to deal with Iranian aggression. Pakistan said it would cooperate with Iraq in investigating the Chabahar suicide attack.


US Predators killed 54 Taliban and Lashkar-e-Islam fighters in three airstrikes in Khyber. The ISI is believed to have outed the CIA station chief in Islamabad. The Taliban bombed a girl’s school in Peshawar.


Coalition and Afghan forces killed and captured several Taliban and Haqqani Network commanders and fighters during raids in Helmand, Nangarhar, Paktia, Khost, and Badghis. The Taliban killed a French officer in the east and an ISAF soldier in the south. A suicide bomber died in a premature detonation in Kandahar.


The Stockholm suicide bomber has been linked to radical jihadist preacher Abu Hamza. SAPO is now searching the Facebook page of the Stockholm suicide bomber to look for possible links to other jihadists.

Thoughts on AfPak strategy review

The Obama administration has released a five-page summary of its annual strategy review on Afghanistan and Pakistan. In our view, the document is mostly ho-hum with no really major revelations or insights. The surge of military forces in Afghanistan is definitely having some positive effects in that country. But there is scant evidence that Pakistan’s […]