Monthly Archives: November 2010


The US killed three “militants” in a Predator strike in the Mir Ali area of North Waziristan. The Taliban killed three civilians in Kurram in a rocket attack from across the border in Afghanistan, and torched 10 NATO fuel tankers in Peshawar. The air force received six more US-made F-16 fighters.

Al Qaeda operatives detained in Karachi

Map of the Kandahar-Chaman-Quetta region. Click to view larger map Earlier this week, Geo News reported that two al Qaeda operatives were detained in Karachi: The law enforcement agencies have arrested two important Al Qaeda figures from Karachi’s Sohrab Goth area and shifted them to Islamabad for investigation, Geo News reported Tuesday. Umar Misri, and […]

Al Qaeda

After major South Waziristan offensive, Pakistan still faces serious obstacles


Security forces captured two Haqqani Network leaders in Baghlan and Khost, and a Taliban commander and several fighters in Helmand. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the south. US Marines will deploy a company of tanks to Helmand province.


Indonesian authorities arrested Joko Daryono, alias Thoyib, for his role as treasurer for the terror-sponsor organization Jamaah Ansharut Tauhid. Founded by the radical Islamist cleric Abu Bakar Bashir, JAT is responsible for funding and assisting terror groups based in Aceh.


Insurgents killed the bodyguard for an Iraqiya member of parliament and a security guard for an oil pipeline in Mosul. A member of parliament escaped an assassination attempt in Diyala. Three wanted men surrendered to police in Baqubah.

The debate over civilian casualties from drone strikes continues

The Jamestown Foundation’s Terrorism Monitor released a study last week claiming to shed new light on the accuracy of the CIA’s drone strike campaign in northwest Pakistan. The authors of the Jamestown study compiled a database of statistics on civilian and militant casualties from drone strikes, relying on both Western and English-language Pakistani news reports […]


Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere said that the “bomb” found at an airport in Namibia yesterday was a “real-test suitcase” used to assess airport security. It is unclear who deployed the test bomb. The discovery caused a flight to Munich to be delayed.


Iran, Nigeria – Heroin and hand grenades sour Abuja-Tehran relations


A UN committee condemned human rights violations in Iran. Tehran claimed that a foreign plane violated Iranian air space before the commencement of war games. India chastised Iran over remarks about Kashmir.


A Houthi fighter killed a tribal sheikh and two family members in a hand grenade attack in Amran province. A colonel in the intelligence services was stabbed by two men near the US embassy in Sana’a.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb has demanded that “any negotiations must be done with Osama bin Laden and according to his conditions” for the release of five French nationals abducted in Niger. An audio with the voice of suspected AQIM leader Abu Mossab Abdelouadoud calls for the withdrawal of all French coalition forces in […]