Monthly Archives: August 2010


The Army said it would launch an offensive in 24 hours against 200 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula operatives holed up in the town of Louder. Houthi rebels killed two pro-government clan members in Sa’ada.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb released the two Spanish hostages abducted in November. The Spanish aid workers were reportedly released in exchange for a militant. The extradition to Mali of an AQIM fighter convicted in Mauritania for kidnapping the three Spanish workers is suspected of being connected to the exchange.

Al Qaeda

In Kenya’s capital, Somali immigrant neighborhood is incubator for jihad


Swedish prosecutors defend handling of case of Wikileaks’ Assange


US ready to resume Iraq combat role if needed-Odierno


Iran claimed it produced and fielded an unmanned “stealth” bomber. The new UAV, called the Karrar, is said to have a range of 600 miles and can carry two 250-pound bombs. Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani said Iran would hold talks with any nation but the US.


Suspected Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb Islamists killed three Algerian soldiers and wounded five others after striking their convoy with roadside bombs in Baghlia, near Algiers. The government is attempting to pass a law that will criminalize online support and recruiting for terrorist groups.


Ten Shabaab fighters, including three Pakistanis, two Indians, an Afghan, and an Algerian, were killed in an explosion at a safe house in Mogadishu. Three people were killed in fighting in Puntland between Shabaab and security forces. Shabaab burned 500 bags of grain stored at a World Food Program warehouse.


The Taliban killed six pro-government peace committee members in an IED attack in Mohmand. Police arrested two Lashkar-e-Jhangvi operatives who were behind the assassination of a provincial senator in Karachi.


Insurgents killed three policemen in Baghdad, Kirkuk, and Mosul. Security forces detained five al Qaeda in Iraq operatives in Baghdad and Balad.


Russian security forces killed Magomedali Vagabov, who is better known as Sayfullah, the top judicial figure of the Caucasus Emirate, and four other terrorists during a raid Dagestan. Kavkaz Center reported that Sayfullah was very likely killed. Khamzat Shamilev, another Chechen terrorist, and a policeman were killed during a raid in Grozny.


Fifty Taliban fighters and 25 security guards were killed in yesterday’s clash in Helmand. The Taliban killed four civilians and four policemen in IED attacks in Paktika and Logar, five civilians including an Arbaki leader in the north, and two Australian soldiers and a British soldier in the south. Coalition and Afghan forces killed and […]


Eleven soldiers, five al Qaeda fighters, and three civilians were killed during clashes in the city of Loder in Abyan province over the past two days. Ali Hussain, a former Guantanamo Bay detainee who rejoined al Qaeda, surrendered to authorities.