Monthly Archives: August 2010


Insurgents killed seven workers at a factory in Bayji and a civilian in Baqubah. Security forces detained 11 al Qaeda operatives in Baghdad and an al Qaeda bomb maker in Ninewa. The Iranians shelled PJAK fighters in northern Iraq.


The Taliban killed 18 people in a suicide attack in a mosque in South Waziristan and seven people, including a pro-government militia leader, in an IED attack in Kurram, and wounded seven tribal leaders in a bombing near Peshawar. The US killed five people in a strike against the Haqqani Network in North Waziristan.


Tehran started mass production of two lines of assault boats. The Nabucco pipeline consortium delayed plans to include Iran in the gas pipeline. Turkey removed Iran from its “red book” threat list.


Insurgents killed two people and wounded four others in separate attacks in Pattani province. An assistant village chief was killed and two civilians wounded in one attack, and a former president of a local organization was killed in a separate attack. Two insurgents evaded capture when Thai authorities raided their forest hideout.


Afghanistan’s Hamid Karzai says he intervened to secure release of imprisoned aide


Insurgents killed a US soldier in Basrah and a civilian in Hillah. Security forces captured a “high-ranking” al Qaeda operative near Miqdadiyah. General Odierno said Iran continues to fund Shia terror groups operating in Iraq.


The Taliban killed six policemen in Helmand, five civilians in Faryab, four US troops in the south and east, and two civilians in Helmand. Coalition and Afghan forces killed 12 Taliban fighters in Nangarhar, four in Baghlan, and three commanders in Kandahar; and detained fighters and commanders in Zabul and Kandahar. Four Taliban fighters were […]