Monthly Archives: August 2010


An al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb suicide bomber attempted to blow up an army barracks outside the town of Nema (1,200 miles from Nouakchott). The bomber refused to stop his truck at a checkpoint and his vehicle exploded after soldiers opened fire. There are no reports of casualties. AQIM has threatened reprisal attacks on […]

Shabaab: from Mogadishu to Minnesota

Since last year’s reports of “more than twenty” Somali youths from Minnesota going missing, all presumed to have been recruited to fight in Somalia alongside the al Qaeda-linked Shabaab, several new cases involving other Somali-Americans providing assistance to or attempting to join the terrorist organization have kept the counterterrorism community on edge. Indictments, superseding indictments, […]


Shabwa: Blood feuds and hospitality in al Qaeda’s Yemen outpost


Insurgents killed a council member in Sadr City and a civilian in Al Kut. Security forces detained a wanted person in Kirkuk. The US troop level has dropped below 50,000.


Twenty-five members of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan escaped from a jail in Dushanbe. The IMU fighters were serving long-term sentences for terrorism charges. One guard was killed during the jailbreak, and four more guards were killed at a nearby detention facility.


Two Hezbollah members, including a senior leader in Beirut, were killed in heavy fighting in the city. Hezbollah clashed with the Sunni Al Ahbash faction in the Lebanese capital; the reason for the fighting is unclear.


Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood launches ‘Islamic Facebook’


Security concerns make Afghan elections dangerous for politicians, voters alike

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Authorities confirmed that a ransom was paid and that an AQIM operative responsible for kidnapping the Spanish aid workers was released in exchange for freeing the two Spanish nationals. Details of the ransom reveal that over $5.6 million was paid to AQIM over the last few months. AQIM stated that the hostages “were set free […]


Coalition and Afghan forces killed 35 Taliban fighters in Kabul and detained several commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, and Khost. Twenty-one Taliban fighters in Badghis reconciled with the government. The Taliban killed seven civilians in an IED attack in Paktia and two soldiers in attacks in the south.


A Shabaab suicide assault team killed 28 people, including 6 lawmakers and five soldiers, in an attack on a hotel in Mogadishu. Twenty-five people were killed in clashes between government forces and Islamist fighters in Mogadishu. Shabaab took control of a radio station in the capital.


Security forces killed Yemeni members of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula in an attack in Louder. On Aug. 23, security forces killed a high-ranking Saudi leader of AQAP and seven other fighters, and detained five more in Abyan.


Tehran reported that the Bushehr nuclear reactor is online and running safely. Government officials said the startup of the Bushehr plant symbolizes resistance to the West and its failure to contain Iran. Police detained Iranian judiciary officials in Tehran for malpractice.

ISI shelters top Afghan Taliban leaders. Shocking!

Today’s report in The New York Times on Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence directorate’s detention of Mullah Baradar and other top Afghan Taliban leaders as part of an attempt to sabotage and control negotiations with the Afghan government wins this month’s coveted Captain Louis Renault Award hands down. And to boot, the ISI used the CIA to […]


Coalition and Afghan forces killed 26 Taliban fighters in Baghlan, Paktia, and Nangarhar and detained several fighters and commanders in Paktia, Logar, and Kandahar. The Taliban killed five ISAF troops in the north, south, and east.