Monthly Archives: August 2010


Indian police probe massive explosives theft


Hotel Suicide Bomber Linked to al-Shabab’s Senior Leader


Officials: CIA drones may target Yemen terrorists


Afghan troops killed 24 Taliban fighters in Uruzgan. Security forces detained several Haqqani Network fighters in Khost and defeated Taliban attacks in Helmand. The Taliban killed eight policemen in attacks in Kunduz. General Petraeus said Iran is aiding the Taliban.

The Taliban

The Pakistani Taliban threatened to attack foreign aid workers delivering relief for the floods that have paralyzed much of the country. “… [T]his horde of foreigners is not acceptable to us at all,” spokesman Azam Tariq said. “… [W]hen we say something is unacceptable to us, one can draw his own conclusion.”

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb claimed to have killed a retired Algerian customs official; the victim was actually a communal guard captured during an AQIM attack in June that killed 11 soldiers and communal guards. The AQIM group responsible is led by Abdelkrim Taleb, a Toureg Arab who is based in northern Mali. Algeria […]


Insurgents killed two men in separate incidents in Pattani’s Kapho district. A Muslim man was killed in a drive-by shooting while on his way home. Additionally, a rubber taper was shot and killed on his motorcycle while his wife was injured on the way to a rubber plantation.


Tehran proposed a consortium with Russia to produce nuclear fuel. President Ahmadinejad will discuss military aid to Lebanon, during a trip to Beirut. The military tested its new “Conqueror” missile.


Where does Somalia’s Al Shabab suicide attack leave the government?


Punjab will begin releasing over 390 members of Pakistani terror groups over the next several days. Security forces killed one Lashkar-e-Islam fighter and detained 29 more in Khyber. The Taliban bombed five NATO fuel tankers at the border crossing in Torkham.


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed 62 Iraqi policemen and civilians in suicide and IED attacks in Baghdad, Al Kut, Karbala, Basrah, Buhriz, and Mosul. Security forces detained 32 al Qaeda fighters and a senior leader in Diyala, 11 in Fallujah and Abu Ghraib, and an extortion leader in Mosul.


‘Afghan war ends only by targeting insurgency in Pakistan’ – Afghan national security advisor

‘Low morale’ in Taliban ranks due to operations: ISAF

The International Security Assistance Force claimed today that the high tempo of operations against the Taliban over the past three months has put a dent in morale among the Taliban ranks. Also, ISAF provides an estimate on the number of Taliban leaders and fighters killed and captured (“365 insurgent leaders and 2,386 fighters”) over the […]


The Taliban killed three civilians in an IED attack in Kandahar. Two Spanish policemen and an interpreter were killed by their driver in a “premeditated” attack in Badghis. Seventy-three schoolgirls and their teachers were poisoned in Kabul. ISAF claimed that detained Taliban leaders and fighters indicate there is low morale in the ranks.


Tehran will begin the search for new uranium deposits inside the country. Israeli President Peres warned the IAEA over Iran’s nuclear activities. Iran’s defense minister said that his country is ready to equip Lebanon’s army with weapons. Tehran will open a joint oil field with Oman in the Strait of Hormuz.


Shabaab took credit for yesterday’s suicide assault on a hotel in Mogadishu that killed more than 30 people, including seven members of parliament. Hundreds of Ugandan troops have arrived in Mogadishu to boost the African Union forces.


The interior ministry claimed that the district of Lauder in Abyan province has been cleared of al Qaeda fighters. The US Embassy suspended all travel for its personnel outside of the capital of Sa’ana.