Monthly Archives: August 2010


A member of the Sindh assembly from the MQM party was gunned down in a mosque in Karachi; the government blamed the Sipah-i-Sahaba and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi. Riots have broken out in Karachi; 29 people have been killed. The military killed 15 Taliban fighters in Arakzai.

United States

Three men charged with plotting to blow up Kennedy Airport in New York have been found guilty after a month-long trial. Russell Defreitas, Abdul Kadir, and Abdul Nur planned an operation they referred to as “The Shining Light,” which consisted of blowing up jet fuel tanks. Defreitas and Kadir face life in prison.


Shabaab and Hizbul Islam spokesmen held a joint press conference in Mogadshu and said the two groups are continuing talks over a merger. The spokesmen denied reports that talks had failed. A Shabaab spokesman said additional African Union troops “will be met with strong resistance.”


Insurgents killed eight Iraqis, including an Army officer, in attacks in Mosul, Fallujah, and Baghdad. Security forces killed a Naqshabandi fighter and detained two others southwest of Mosul, and arrested four Hezbollah Brigades members in Hussainiyah.


Doku Umarov has stepped down as the leader of the Islamic Caucasus Emirate. He has named Aslambek Vadalov, the former military commander of the Eastern Front of the Armed Forces of the Caucasus Emirate, as his successor.


Israel, Lebanon – Who is winning the intelligence war with Hezbollah?


A suicide bomber killed five children in Kandahar while President Karzai’s adviser on tribal affairs was wounded in an IED attack in Jalalabad. Security forces killed more than 30 Taliban fighters and detained several more during operations in Nuristan, Kunar, Khost, Paktia, Kandahar, and Helmand.


China warned not to take advantage of Iran sanctions

Palestinian Territories

A blast at the home of Hamas commander Alaa al Danaf wounded 24 Palestinians. Hamas blamed Israel and claimed it was an attack, but Israel denied any involvement in the explosion.


Rockets launched from Egypt’s Sinai landed in the cities of Aqaba in Jordan and Eliat in Israel. One Jordanian was killed in Aqaba and four more were wounded. No group has claimed responsibility for the rocket attacks.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Abu Musab Abdulwadud, the leader of Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, claimed that his terror group negotiated with France over the release of Michel Germaneau. “France’s president launched a cowardly military action while negotiations were under way to release Michel Germaneau,” Abdulwadud said, contradicting the French government.


More than 1,000 people have been killed in floods in Pakistan. Security forces killed 15 Taliban fighters in airstrikes in Arakzai. The Taliban killed two soldiers in an IED attack in South Waziristan.


US Forces Iraq disputed reports that July 2010 has been the deadliest month in two years. Security forces detained 20 members of the Saif al Haq in Nasiriyah and 14 al Qaeda operatives in Mosul and Jalulah.


The Taliban killed six civilians in an IED attack in Kandahar, a policeman and two civilians in a suicide attack in Kunduz, and an ISAF soldier in the south. Security forces killed seven Taliban fighters and detained several more in Helmand, Khost, and Kabul. The withdrawal of Dutch forces from Afghanistan is underway.