Monthly Archives: August 2010


Jamaat-ud-Dawa, the front group for the banned Lashkar-e-Taiba, sent aid and medical teams to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to assist in flood victims. “We have around 2,000 volunteers working in the affected regions,” the terror group’s spokesman said.


Twenty more people were killed in rioting in Karachi one day after a provincial assemblyman from the MQM was assassinated in a mosque. Teh city has been locked down and troops have been issued orders to “shoot on sight miscreants involved in creating a law and order problem.”

Awlaki, the CIA, and the ACLU

A court battle has been brewing over a challenge by two civil rights groups to the Obama administration’s Predator drone strike program, which began under the Bush Administration and has continued under President Obama’s watch. At the center of that battle is Anwar al Awlaki, the Yemeni cleric infamous for his mentoring of Major Nidal […]


Iran™s account of woman™s crime shifting from adultery to murder

Malaysia – Deputy prime minister tells political leaders to back off from ‘Allah’ debate


Insurgents killed 20 people in a car bomb attack in al Kut; al Qaeda in Iraq killed five policemen in Baghdad. Iraqi security forces detained an al Qaeda leader and a fighter in the village of Dugmat in Kirkuk.


Puntland’s president declared war on Shabaab and pirates. Shabaab is attempting to raise millions of dollars at markets in southern Somalia. Botswana will not provide troops to the AMISOM force in Mogadishu.


Six Taliban fighters were killed while assaulting Kandahar Airfield. Coalition and Afghan forces killed 18 Taliban fighters in Logar and Laghman, and detained several more in Kandahar, Helmand, and Zabul. The Taliban killed four civilians in Faryab, two civilians in Kandahar, and an ISAF soldier in the east.


Planned arrest warrants create political challenge for Lebanon’s Hariri


Pakistan president: coalition forces ‘losing war against Taliban in Afghanistan’


Rocket attacks on Israel and Jordan highlight how Hamas could use Sinai


Three Lebanese soldiers and a reporter were killed during a clash with Israeli forces along the shared border. The fighting began when Lebanese troops opened fire on Israelis as they were performing maintenance on the border fence. Syrian President Bashir Assad said his country would back Lebanon.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

A jailed senior Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb member has pledged that the terrorist organization will seek out and kill more French citizens in retaliation for a raid that killed six AQIM soldiers. “I say to the infidels, the French crusaders and worshipers of the Crusaders and the Jews, that we will not be […]


The commander of the Iranian Army Ground Forces said the US is too weak to open a new front against Iran. The US is seeking to use Turkey as a base for an anti-missile shield that would protect Europe from Iranian ballistic missiles. Japan approved the UN sanctions against Iran.