Monthly Archives: August 2010


A police officer was shot dead and seven other officers injured when insurgents attacked their convoy in Nong Chik district of Pattani province. In Pattani™s Kapor district, insurgents killed one man and wounded seven others. Thailand and Malaysia have agreed to increase border cooperation and participate in joint military exercises in an effort to contain […]


A bombing carried out by suspected Abu Sayyaf fighters at an airport in Zamboanga city has left one man dead and over a dozen injured. The attack took place at the arrival gate of the airport; police are investigating whether the man killed was the bomber. The governor of Sulu province, the stronghold of Abu […]


The Taliban killed 12 civilians in IED attacks in Kunar and Ghazni, and a US soldier in an IED attack in the east. Coalition and Afghan forces detained several Taliban fighters in Logar and Helmand.

Al Qaeda in Iraq

Al Qaeda in Iraq is offering money to Sunni tribesmen in an attempt to regrow its ranks. Awakening leaders say al Qaeda is trying to take advantage of Iraq’s political deadlock and delays in payments for Awakening fighters.


The US Treasury Department added four Iranian Qods Force commanders to its list of terrorists. General Hossein Musavi, the commander of Qods Force’s Ansar Corps, and Colonel Colonel Hasan Mortezavi have “provided financial and material support to the Taliban” in Afghanistan. Two other officials provide support to Hezbollah, Hamas, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

Al Qaeda

A state-run newspaper in the UAE confirmed that a Japanese tanker was attacked by a suicide bomber off the coast of Oman. An al Qaeda-linked group called the Abdullah Azzam Brigades claimed it carried out the attack.


Insurgents killed three Awakening fighters west of Tikrit and three policemen and two civilians in western Baghdad. Security forces killed an insurgent and detained 25 more, including two al Qaeda operatives, in Tikrit, Mosul, and Diyala.


Deadly morality squad patrols Iraqi city


A suicide bomber killed seven policemen in Kunduz. Coalition and Afghan forces killed 20 Taliban fighters and upwards of 12 civilians during a clash in Nangarhar. Security forces killed a Taliban facilitator and detained several more in Farah, Helmand, and Khost.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Magreb released a statement accusing France of covering up negotiations with the group for the release of Michel Germaneau as well as with Pierre Camatte. AQIM asserts that Britain rejected negotiations to return the body of British national, Edwin Dyer, who was killed by the group a year ago. AQIM […]

United States

The Treasury Department has issued a license allowing Anwar al Awlaki to be represented in court by the ACLU and the CCR. The two groups, who are aiding Awlaki’s father, Nassir, are challenging the Obama administration’s targeted ‘capture or kill’ list, to which Awlaki was added months ago.