Monthly Archives: August 2010


Pakistan – Sindh Governor House ‘a safe haven for terrorists™: Mehanti


Afghanistan despatch: ‘If Nato pulls out too early there will be civil war again’


Killing of British doctor in Afghanistan ‘a cowardly act’ says British Foreign Secretary


The Taliban killed four policemen in a suicide attack in Herat, a police chief and four others in Kunduz, four Afghan security guards in Wardak, three ISAF soldiers in the south, and a civilian in Kandahar. Coalition and Afghan forces killed and captured several Taliban and Haqqani Network commanders and fighters in Logar, Khost, Paktia, […]


A Yemeni court in Hadramout will prosecute 28 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula operatives. One Saudi and one Egyptian are among those who will be prosecuted.

Saudi Arabia

The US Embassy in Riyadh warned that it received intelligence of a possible attack on US citizens in al Qasim. “We have received credible information that an unidentified extremist(s) in Saudi Arabia may be planning to attack Westerners working and living in al Qasim, Saudi Arabia,” the message read. “The timing and method of potential […]


The Obama administration believes that Iran is feeling the effects of sanctions. A majority of Arabs would support a nuclear-armed Iran, according to a poll. Iran launched four locally-built submarines.


Investigators detained a police official and two cousins in connection with the suicide attack that killed the chief of the Frontier Constabulary in Peshawar. President Zardari said he is willing to consider negotiating with the Taliban. The two main political parties in Karachi agreed on a ‘code of conduct™ to end the fighting that resulted […]


Twenty Iraqis were killed in twin bombings at a market in Basrah. Insurgents killed seven policemen in Mosul, Baghdad, Diyala, Fallujah, and Hurriya, and three civilians in Baqubah and Mosul. The leader of the 1920s Revolution Brigade in Abu Ghraib was killed in an IED attack. Security forces killed an al Qaeda fighter and detained […]


The Taliban killed 10 medical workers, including six Americans, in Kunar; four policemen and a civilian in Helmand; two ISAF soldiers in the south; and a child in Kandahar. Coalition and Afghan fighters killed and captured several Taliban and Haqqani Network fighters and commanders in Uruzgan, Khost, Paktika, Helmand, Logar, and Kandahar.

Taliban diss Time Magazine cover

A recent cover photo on Time Magazine has stirred some debate in journalistic circles. Is it a harsh truth that needs to be told, or is it sensationalism for the sake of selling magazines? It took a while, but the Taliban have also chimed in – they don’t like the cover: Time magazine has recently […]


Insurgents ambushed and killed an army ranger in Yala™s Krong Penang district. The US State Department’s annual report lauded Thailand’s cooperation in fighting terrorism and claimed that international jihadist groups have yet to penetrate the Islamist insurgency in southern Thailand.


Security forces detained four al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters accused of killing three soldiers in Abyan province. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula claimed it carried out the July 25 attack in Shabwa province that killed six soldiers.


Indonesian anti-terror authorities have arrested two suspected terrorists in the town of Sukabumi in West Java. The anti-terror squad, Detachment 88, apprehended the men after they left an Internet cafe and were near their rented house. The suspects reportedly have links to a terror group based in Lampung, Sumatra.


Suspected al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb fighters have killed the mayor of the village of Baghlia in Boumerdes province as he was on his way to Friday prayers. Boumerdes is considered an AQIM stronghold. The US state department has praised Algeria’s anti-terrorism efforts over the last two years.


Iranian facing stoning speaks: ‘It’s because I’m a woman’


A commander of Somali troops claimed his forces killed 21 Islamist fighters in an attack on training camps along the border with Ethiopia on Thursday. The commander said eight Somali soldiers were killed during the fighting.


Insurgents killed three civilians in bombings in Baghdad. State of Law and Iraqiya political parties plan to meet to discuss the formation of a new government. President Obama sent a secret letter to Ayatollah Sistani requesting he help resolve the political impasse.