Monthly Archives: August 2010


One Algerian soldier was killed and four others were injured in an ambush by Islamists in Tizi Ouzou province. One Islamist attacker was also killed. Five soldiers were seriously wounded by a roadside bomb in Siar, which borders Tebessa province. A former commander of the Polisario Front has confessed that the Western Saharan separatist movement […]

United States

The trial of Omar Khadr begins today at Guantanamo Bay. Khadr, who was 15 when he was captured by US forces after a firefight with militants, is charged with killing a US soldier with a grenade in 2002. This is the first military commission trial under the Obama administration.


Shabaab banned three Christian aid agencies from operating in Somalia for “acting as missionaries under the guise of humanitarian work.” A member of parliament denounced the attack on Shabaab fighters in Puntland. The UN plans to return to Somalia in two months, after leaving the country 17 years ago.


Insurgents killed a policeman, a security guard, and a civilian in bombings in Baghdad. Security forces detained 11 terrorists in Kirkuk, and four wanted men and three al Qaeda operatives in Mosul.


US leader of murdered Afghanistan medical team ‘ignored warnings’


Afghanistan: With Korengal abandoned, COP Michigan bears brunt of Kunar fight

Why withdrawing from the Korengal was a bad idea

A US Army soldier assigned to C Company, 2nd Battalion, 12th Infantry Regiment, engages the enemy during a patrol near Combat Outpost Honaker Miracle in Kunar province, Afghanistan, on July 29, 2009. US Army photo by Evan Marcy. I’ve received some criticism for noting that the US withdrawal from remote outposts in the Korengal Valley […]


GSPC founder and former leader Hassan Hattab has been removed from the UN Security Council’s blacklist. Hattab has denounced terror attacks in Algeria and called for members of the group to disarm since his surrender in 2007.


President, Mohammed Ould Abdel Aziz has outlined his method to fight al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, which includes the creation of new special forces, a larger allocation of supplies, refusing ransoms, and cross-border raids. Algeria and Mauritania are boycotting a six-nation security meeting in Mali to discuss approaches to fighting AQIM.


Malaysia’s ‘Imam Idol’: A Reality Show’s Search for a Muslim Role Model


The Taliban tortured and executed a woman charged with adultery in Badghis, and killed an ISAF soldier in the south. Two US Marines and a Taliban fighter were killed as the Taliban fighter attempted to escape from custody in the south. Afghan and Coalition forces killed and detained several Taliban and Haqqani Network leaders and […]


German authorities closed down the Taiba mosque in Hamburg, which was used to facilitate the Sept. 11 attacks on the US. “We have closed the mosque because it was a recruiting and meeting point for Islamic radicals who wanted to participate in so-called jihad or holy war,” a spokesman for Hamburg’s state interior ministry said.


The chief of Iran’s judiciary criticized President Ahmadinejad for statements made concerning the restriction of the press. A senior Sunni cleric escaped an assassination attempt carried out by Jundallah. Iran™s Islamic Azad University opened a center in Kabul.


Indonesian authorities have arrested the radical preacher Abu Bakir Bashir for links to the terrorist camp dismantled in Aceh in February. Bashir is the spiritual leader of the al Qaeda-linked Jemaah Islamiyah terror group. He is suspected of leading the radical Islamist group, Jema’ah Ansharut Tauhid.


Kashmir youths take on the Indian state as separatist struggle starts again


Security forces arrested 15 suspected al Qaeda operatives during raids in the towns of Gebze and Darica in Kocaeli province. Three of the men trained in al Qaeda camps in Afghanistan. Others disseminated al Qaeda propaganda.


An al Qaeda suicide bomber killed five Iraqis in Ramadi. Insurgents killed a district police chief in an ambush in Kirkuk and a US soldier in Babil. Yesterday’s bombings in Basrah killed 43 Iraqis. The US shipped 11 M1A1 battletanks to the Iraqi Army.


Fighting between Puntland security forces and Shabaab forces led by Sheikh Mohamed Said Atom in Galgala resulted in 11 Shabaab and three soldiers killed. Puntland claimed to have defeated Shabaab in the mountainous region. The Somali government sent weapons to the semi-autonomous government of Puntland.


Iraq – Basra a window on Iraq’s ambition and dysfunction