Monthly Archives: August 2010


US to establish training center for Kyrgyz security service, not military base


Pakistan: UN envoy warns of militant threat during flood

Saudi Arabia

Said Ali Al Shihri, al Qaada in the Arabian Peninsula’s deputy and a former Gitmo detainee, said the terror group has supporters in the Saudi security forces. Shihri ordered AQAP sympathizers to rise up against the Saudi government for “collaborating with” the US.


Bomb kills 11, including eight Iraqi soldiers


Iraq: Baghdad traffic police targeted in attacks


Israeli official sees Tel Aviv shelled in future war


ISRAEL: IDF takes new approach to Lebanese army, calls it ‘treacherous’


US and Iraqi Interests May Work Against Pullout


The Taliban suggested the government deny foreign donations for flood relief and said it would provide funds. The US will not provide Pakistan with armed Predator UAVs. Two major news outlets have been shut down in Sindh for airing footage of a protester throwing a shoe at President Zardari.


A court sentenced the wife of Bangla Bhai and two other members of al Qaeda-linked Jamaat Mujahideen Bangladesh to 20 years in prison for possession of explosive materials. Bhai was the second in command for JMB before he was executed in March 2007 for murdering a judge.

Taliban behind 76 percent of civilian deaths in Afghanistan: UN

According to statistics compiled by the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), the Taliban have intensified their attacks against civilians while Coalition and Afghan forces have dramatically reduced the number of civilian deaths. Over the past six months, the Taliban have caused 76 percent of the civilian deaths in Afghanistan, while Coalition and Afghan […]

Embedded with the Taliban in Kunar

Last week, Channel 4 News aired video of Norwegian journalist Paul Refsdal’s embed with Taliban fighters in Kunar. The footage provides an interesting look at a Taliban unit’s operations, or lack thereof, in the eastern province. The Taliban unit, under the command of Haji Mohammad Dawran Safi, or Qari Dawat, spent much of its time […]


Insurgents killed a policeman, an Awakening commander, and two civilians in attacks in Baghdad, Hillah, and Fallujah. Iraqi security forces detained 35 al Qaeda operatives in Taji, Abu Ghraib, and Mosul.


The United Nations said the Taliban is responsible for 76 percent of all civilian casualties in Afghanistan. A Taliban suicide assault team killed two security guards in Kabul. The Taliban killed four civilians in an IED attack in Ghazni. Coalition and Afghan forces killed 13 Taliban fighters in Laghman and detained several commanders and fighters […]


The US Congress blocked $100 million in military aid to the Lebanese Armed Forces over concerns it is allied with Hezbollah. Lebanese leaders dismissed Hezbollah leader Nasrallah’s claim that Israel was behind the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.


A former commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps said graves are being dug for US servicemen in anticipation of an American attack on Iran. Iran plans on opening the Bushehr nuclear plant in September. The IRGC Navy said it will launch 12 fast-attack missile and torpedo boats.