Monthly Archives: August 2010


Suspect says rage at US led him to plot Ugandan bombs


Prime Minister Maliki said a “government of national unity will be formed through an agreement among all political blocs.” The Iraqi Army Chief of Staff requested that US forces remain until 2020. Insurgents killed a soldier in Mosul and a policeman in Fallujah.


Eighteen people were killed in renewed fighting between Shabaab and Puntland forces in Bari. Five people were killed at a refugee camp in Mogadishu. Ethiopia said it may send forces to Mogadishu if African Union forces needed assistance.

Slain medical workers likely killed by Pakistani Taliban fighters

An investigation into the murder of 10 medical workers in the northern province of Badakhshan indicates that Taliban fighters, some possibly from Pakistan, were behind the attack. Both the Taliban and Hizb-i-Islami claimed to have carried out the brutal executions. And it appears those who carried out the attack were attempting to return to Barg-e-Matal […]


The US military is pushing to slow down the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Coalition and Afghan forces killed 20 Haqqani Network fighters and detained several Taliban and Haqqani Network commanders and fighters in Paktia, Wardak, Kunduz, and Kandahar. The Afghan government wants the UN to delist 47 Taliban leaders.


Iran and Turkey are providing weapons to Hezbollah. Opposition leader Mehdi Karroubi said UN sanctions have strengthened Iran’s government. The central bank is reducing reserves of the dollar and the euro.


Authorities dismantled an 18-member jihadist cell that “was preparing to commit acts of terrorism and sabotage within national territory and against foreign interests in Morocco.” Three members have already served sentences for terrorist involvement. Authorities would not clarify the location of the arrests nor the specific targets of the cell.


Three men were arrested outside Kuala Lumpur and eastern Pahang province for suspected links to a terrorist cell in Aceh that was administrated by radical cleric Abu Bakar Bashir. The three men, one Indonesian and two Malaysians, were identified as businessmen and were aiming to expand the cleric’s terror cell from Aceh into Malaysia. They […]


The US Embassy in Sana’a isues a series of warning for Ramadan. “Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) may use the Ramadan season as an opportunity to conduct attacks against American citizens and interests,” according to a warden statement. AQAP attempted to assassinate a government official in Abyan.

Disasters could push food prices up

Longtime al Qaeda operative runs mosque closed by German authorities

Mamoun-Darkazanli.jpgGerman authorities closed down the Taiba mosque in Hamburg earlier this week. The mosque was formerly known as Al Quds, and was home to al Qaeda’s Hamburg cell for the 9/11 attacks. The imam in charge of the mosque, Mamoun Darkazanli, has been tracked by Western intelligence services for almost two decades.


Insurgents killed eight Iraqi soldiers and three civilians in a house bomb in Sadiyah, and a director of a hospital in Baghdad. Security forces detained a Promised Day Brigade commander and two fighters in Diyala, three al Qaeda operatives in Fallujah and a commander in Mosul, and seven wanted men in Sharqat.


Muslim insurgents stabbed and partially decapitated a young man at a rubber plantation in Narathiwat province. A car bomb explosion in front of a bank in Pattani™s Ruesoh district damaged commercial property but no one was killed or injured in the blast. Insurgents were blamed for the attack.


Four Moro Islamic Liberation Front fighters were killed and seven others were injured during clashes between rival commanders in Maguindanao province. MILF has expressed concern that the new Benigno Aquino III government wants to restart negotations and review prior agreements.


Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb abducted a Malian customs official and a soldier in northern Mali. The kidnappings were selective as other soldiers and customs officials were spared. One abductee was injured in the kidnapping. Mauritiania has sent their justice minister to Mali in an attempt to improve cooperation ties in the fight against […]

Al Qaeda

Police Probes Foreign Funding of Indonesian Terrorists


Jemaah Islamiyah founder and spiritual leader Abu Bakar Bashir has been charged with violating the anti-terrorism law. Police claim to have a solid case against Bashir for his support of an al Qaeda cell in Aceh.


The Taliban killed two civilians in Logar and an ISAF soldier in the south. Two suicide bomber died in a premature detonation in Farah. Security forces killed and captured scores of Taliban commanders and fighters during raids in Laghman, Zabul, Kandahar, and Nangarhar.


Brazil agreed to abide by UN sanctions on Iran. Toyota stopped shipments to Iran. The foreign minister said US claims of Iranian interference in Iraq are “baseless.”