Monthly Archives: August 2010

ISAF continues to ID ‘foreign fighters’ in Afghanistan

Chechens with headbands are walking through a Taliban column during an attack on a US outpost in Kunar province. Click here for more images. Back on July 11, I noted that ISAF was beginning to define the enemy in Afghanistan. At that time, ISAF stated that it was hunting a Taliban commander involved in facilitating […]

Additional detail on the prisoner escape in Musa Qala

A jail cell at Forward Operating Base Musa Qala. Photo by Bill Ardolino A prisoner escape and subsequent small arms engagement occurred last weekend at the small three-room jail inside the wire at Forward Operating Base Musa Qala, which also serves as an Afghan police and army headquarters. Two Marines and one British security contractor […]


A US airstrike in North Waziristan killed 12 Taliban fighters. The UN said 20 million Pakistanis have been impacted by the floods, and six million Pakistanis have yet to receive aid.


Insurgents killed four policemen and an Awakening fighter in attacks in Baghdad. Security forces in Diyala detained an al Qaeda assassin who carried out attacks in Baghdad. State of Law made an offer to Iraqiya to break the political deadlock and form a government.


“Subversive elements” killed an intelligence colonel in the southern province of Lahij. Juma’an Safian, the leader of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula in Jawf province, surrendered to authorities. The US military carried out the May 25 airstrike in Marib.


Secret assault on terrorism widens on two continents


The Taliban killed four policemen, three children, and an Australian soldier in attacks in Helmand, Kandahar, and Khost. Coalition and Afghan forces killed two Taliban fighters in Kunduz and “an unknown number of insurgents” in Badghis, and detained a senior Taliban leader in Helmand.


Security forces killed Abdulrahman Awad, the suspected leader of al Qaeda-linked Fatah al Islam, during a shootout near the border with Syria. The government is setting up a fund for citizens to contribute in support of the Lebanese Armed Forces after the US suspended more than $100 million in aid.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Malian officials reported that Abdelhamid Abu Zeid, the hardline emir of Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb in the Sahel who is responsible for the murder of Michel Germaneau and Edwin Dyer, is “doing everything possible to endanger the lives of the two Spanish hostages.” Abu Zeid allegedly wants Belmokhtar, the other Sahel emir of […]


Muslim insurgents killed a policeman in a drive-by shooting in Yaring district, Pattani province, and a married couple that owned a rubber plantation in Yala™s Muang district. Insurgents wounded three police officers when they blew up a petrol station in Rangae district of Narathiwat province.


Security forces detained two al Qaeda operatives near Habaniyah. Iran has continued shelling against Kurdish rebels in the Iraqi north. The commander of Iraq’s ground forces said Iraqi troops are ready to fill the gap left by withdrawing US forces.


The Taliban beat back an Afghan Army assault in Laghman; 13 soldiers, two policemen, and 20 Taliban fighters were reported killed; 20 soldiers are reported to be in Taliban captivity. The Taliban killed two British soldiers in Helmand. Coalition and Afghan forces detained several Taliban and Haqqani Network fighters and commanders in Helmand, Khost, Paktia, […]


Reporters Sans Frontiers – Open letter to Wikileaks founder Julian Assange: ‘A bad precedent for the Internet’s future’


Dagestan plans to use ‘ethnic’ military units to fight militants


Two top leaders in the Caucasus Emirate rallied around their emir, Doku Umarov, after confusion abounds over his resignation and reinstatement. The Riyad-us-Saliheen Martyrs’ Brigade claimed it carried out a bombing near a Gazprom office in Moscow.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb has executed a Malian custom officials who was carrying documents from a Western embassy. AQIM is attempting to get a Malian national guard to join their ranks. An ex-AQIM fighter alleges that Malian government officials and tribal leaders have been supporting the group. Two Malians arrested in the Mauritiania-French […]


The Interior Ministry issued a list of eight most wanted al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula commanders. The eight wanted al Qaeda operatives are said to be behind attacks in the provinces of Marib and Shabwa.


Russia will deliver nuclear fuel to the Bushehr plant on Aug. 21. An Islamic Revolutionary Guards commander said Iran has no use for nuclear weapons. Iraq will allow a pipeline from Iran to Syria be built on its territory.