Monthly Archives: August 2010


Militants overtake India as top threat to Pakistan, says ISI


Pakistani terror network takes on major role in Afghan war


Robert Gates dismisses Gen Petraeus suggestion that withdrawal from Afghanistan can be postponed


Insurgents killed four Iranians and two policemen during attacks in Miqdadiyah and Mosul, and a US soldier in Diyala. Security forces detained 29 wanted men in Diyala, Basrah, and Wasit; and an al Qaeda operative in Baghdad.


South Africa may send peacekeepers to join African Union forces in Mogadishu. The pro-Islamist Hawiye clan condemned the assassination of a member of a peace council and requested that Hizbul Islam find the murderer.


A group of Chechen and Arab fighters, led by Aslambek Vadalov and Khuseyn Gakayev, refused to accept Doku Umarov as emir of the Caucasus Emirate after Umarov retracted his resignation. Vadalov was named by Umarov to serve as his successor.


A US air weapons team killed an al Qaeda commander in Kunduz. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, Khost, and Paktika. The Taliban stoned a couple to death for adultery and killed a civilian in an IED attack in Kunduz. The government will shut down private security firms […]

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Suspected al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb fighters killed an Algerian soldier and injured four civilians in two roadside bomb attacks in Theniet Boussalah, Batna province. Algerian security forces launched large-scale anti-terror operations in Skikda after arrests of two men for aiding and recruiting Islamist fighters. The families of the two Spanish hostages held by […]


The chief of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran said his country “will begin constructing another enrichment plant by early 2011” and that 10 new enrichment sites have been identified. President Ahmadinejad said Iran must gain “full independence” in the nuclear field. Venezuela is prepared to export 20,000 barrels of refined gasoline a day to […]


‘Taliban has benefited from West’s response in Pakistan’


Bahrain arrests Shiite clerics on security suspicions

Taliban surge in Afghan north

The Washington Post documents the Taliban’s spread in the Afghan north. The province of Faryab, which was once a region of little concern, has become a new Taliban safe haven. The Taliban are sending warnings of their impending arrival, then rolling into towns and taking them over: In early November, the villagers of Khwaji Kinti […]


General Petraeus said that there is no guarantee US forces will begin drawing down in July 2011 and that he is obligated to advise the president against doing so if the situation demands it. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban leaders and fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, Paktika, Logar, and Kunduz.


Insurgents killed four civilians, a soldier, a policeman, and a pharmacist who recently returned from the US, in separate attacks in Mosul, Al Kut, and Baghdad. The Sadrist-led Iraqi National Alliance rejected a proposed deal between State of Law and Iraqiya in forming a new government.


Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani denounced the US and NATO “aggression in Afghanistan” and said Iran does not have a joint approach with the US to deal with the war. A top parliamentary official said Iran is pursuing plans to build its own nuclear plants and welcomes Western assistance.


Azerbaijan may have released two Lebanese men convicted of plotting to blow up the Israeli embassy in Baku. The two Lebanese men and 12 other Iranians are thought to have been exchanged for two Azeri diplomats and a nuclear scientist.

Al Qaeda

Ayman al Zawahiri, al Qaeda’s second in command, issued a videotape criticizing Turkey for maintaining a relationship with Israel and for keeping troops in Afghanistan. “The change will come when the Turkish people urge their government to stop co-operating with Israel … or taking part in killing Muslims in Afghanistan,” Zawahiri said.


The al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb operative responsible for aiding in the kidnapping of three Spanish aid workers in Mauritania has been extradited to his homeland of Mali. Ennahor has published an in-depth look at how AQIM has restructured its organization in light of its recent losses to security forces.