Monthly Archives: August 2010


Russia defended Iran’s debut of the Bushehr nuclear reactor. US officials visited Lebanon to address Iran sanctions. Tehran will unveil new weapons systems at a government event.


Security forces killed and captured scores of Taliban and Haqqani Network commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, Zabul, Paktia, Khost, and Nangarhar. The Taliban killed the Border and Tribal Affairs chief of Zabul and a construction worker in Paktia. 938 polling centers will remain closed due to the security situation.


The government charged 32 suspects in the July 11 dual suicide attacks in Kampala that killed 76 people. Ugandan, Kenyan, and Somali nationals are among those charge. Four suspects have confessed to their involvement in the Shabaab attack.


The Taliban attacked a pro-government militia and police outposts in Khyber and Peshawar; two anti-Taliban fighters and several Taliban fighters were killed. Police arrested two suicide bombers in Peshawar.


Wahabi clerics distributed leaflets in mosques that warned Muslims not to join the security forces. “Those are forces devoted to a fake god who we should fight against with all of our powers,” the leaflets stated.


Iraqi leaders fear for future after their past missteps


An al Qaeda suicide bomber killed 57 police recruits and soldiers during an attack at a recruiting center in Baghdad. Insurgents killed three policemen, a jail employee, and a trade ministry employee in attacks in Ninewa, Baghdad, and Kirkuk. Security forces detained four wanted men in Kirkuk and an al Qaeda operative in Latafiyah.


A suicide bomber killed two policemen and wounded three others in an attack at a police checkpoint in North Ossetia. Twenty-three people were wounded in a car bomb attack in Pyatigorsk in Stavropol in Russia.


P.J. O’Rourke — ‘Radio Free Europe, freedom of speech, and liberty’


Pakistan: ‘Terrorists planning to target top officials in capital’

Alaskan plot influenced by Awlaki

Paul and Nadia Rockwood. Photo from FOX News. An Alaskan husband and wife have pled guilty to lying to Joint Terrorism Task Force agents about their plot to target and kill individuals who “desecrated Islam.” Paul and Nadia Rockwood of King Salmon, a small community with a population of only a few hundred, were accused […]

United States

An Alaskan couple, who converted to Islam by studying the teachings of Anwar al Awlaki, have pled guilty to lying to federal authorities about a hit list they had compiled. The list included members of the media, the military, and religious organizations. Paul Rockwood will serve eight years in prison, while his pregnant wife Nadia […]

On civilian casualties, Taliban try to look like victims

Two recent reports show that Afghanistan’s insurgents are responsible for most civilian casualties (CIVCAS) in the country so far this year. The Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission’s (AIHRC) Aug. 8 report, “Report on Civilian Casualities, January 1-July 31, 2010” [PDF], states that 68 percent of Afghan CIVCAS were caused by insurgent activity. Similarly, the United […]

Another ‘foreign fighter’ cell targeted in Afghan north

ISAF continues to go after the ‘foreign fighter’ cells in Afghanistan. The latest strike targeted “a former Taliban commander who is currently a senior foreign fighter and weapons facilitator” in Kunduz province in the Afghan north. Of course, the commander has links back into Pakistan. From the ISAF press release: An Afghan and coalition security […]


The Taliban killed seven civilians in Ghazni and three ISAF soldiers in the south and east, poisoned and killed six policemen in Kandahar, and captured nine policemen in Badghis. Afghan and Coalition force killed and captured more than 25 Taliban fighters and commanders and detained several more in Badghis, Kunduz, Logar, Helmand, Kandahar, Nangarhar, and […]


Afghanistan war: What the Taliban is doing about its image problem

Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan

The Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan announced the death of its emir, Tahir Yuldashev. Abu Usman Adil, Yuldashev’s deputy, has been named the new leader of the al Qaeda-linked terror group. Abu Usman called for jihad in Kyrgyzstan.


“Gunmen” assassinated an intelligence official and nearly killed a district level intelligence commander in Abyan. Shia Houthi rebels looted and torched a government building in Al Jawf province.


Former UN ambassador John Bolton said Israel has eight days to strike Iran’s Bushehr reactor. Authorities in Tehran announced a suspension of a stoning sentence during Ramadan. Tehran invited Bangladesh to join in building the IPI pipeline project.