Monthly Archives: August 2010


The last US brigade designated as a combat unit withdrew from Iraq; 50,000 US troops remain in an “advise and assist” capacity. Insurgents killed five policemen, a soldier, and an Awakening fighter in attacks in Fallujah, Ramadi, Baghdad, Mosul, and Kirkuk. Security forces detained 31 wanted men in Diyala, killed an al Qaeda operative and […]


The Taliban killed a district police chief in Kandahar and a tribal affairs chief in Zabul. Security forces detained several Taliban fighters and commanders in Zabul, Logar, and Kunar. Eight ISAF troops were injured when a helicopter made a hard landing in Kandahar.


The military killed eight Taliban fighters in Arakzai. Followers of Mullah Nazir and Hakeemullah Mehsud clashed in South Waziristan; three Taliban fighters were killed. A doctor associated with the Harkat ul Mujahideen was gunned down in Karachi. Two Lashkar-e-Jhangvi fighters were detained in connection with the murder of a member of the Sindh parliament.


Ethnic Albanians uploaded a song onto YouTube that praises Osama bin Laden. The song is rumored to have been played in mosques in Skopje, but Muslims have disputed this claim.


The Revolutionary Guards Corps announced that if attacked it will respond by targeting its enemies’ interests around the world. Germany charged two people with shipping rocket supplies to Iran. A member of the Iranian parliament said Iran will not back down from its nuclear program in the face of a US attack.

Three killed in Taliban infighting in South Waziristan

Dawn reports on a minor clash (in Taliban terms) between fighters allied with Mullah Nazir and forces loyal to Hakeemullah Mehsud: According to local people, the clash between the Mullah Nazir group and the group of TTP leader Hakeemullah Mehsud resulted in the death of two supporters of Hakeemullah and one of Mullah Nazir. Official […]


Civilians to take US lead after military leaves Iraq


Romania shows its support for the US-led mission in Afghanistan

Fatah al Islam chief killed while traveling to Iraq

Abdulrahman Awad, the leader of Fatah al Islam, was killed along with his deputy, Ghazi Faysal Abdullah, by Lebanese security forces in the Bekaa Valley as they attempted to join al Qaeda in Iraq, according to a statement released by the terror group.


Three police officers were wounded and an undetermined number of Abu Sayyaf fighters were killed in clashes in Sulu. Abu Sayyaf ambushed the senior superintendent of police and his escort as they were returning to their camp.

United States

A federal grand jury in North Carolina has convened to consider evidence against 24-year-old Samir Khan. Khan is believed to be the editor of “Inspire” magazine, the al Qaeda online publication that promoted jihad and aims to recruit young Westerners. The charges being considered are conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists and conspiracy to […]


US sends warning to Afghanistan, and John Kerry delivers the message


Four people were killed in a bombing in the village of Al Majalah in Abyan province, a known al Qaeda haven. Security forces detained 10 suspects in the assassination of Yemeni intelligence officials.


Fifteen people were killed during clashes between Hizbul Islam and government forces in Mogadishu. The new mayor of Mogadishu said NGOs are enemies of Somalia as they are spreading false reports about the security situation.