Monthly Archives: July 2010

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Samir Khan, an American citizen and known cyber-jihadist who left the US for Yemen last year, is thought to be the editor of al Qaeda’s English-language Inspire magazine. Khan ran the pro-al Qaeda Inshallahshaheed website.


India claims that the Pakistani Navy directly trained the Lashkar-e-Taiba members who carried out the 2008 terror assault on the city of Mumbai. The information reportedly came from the interrogation of LeT operative David Coleman Headley.


President Karzai seeks to receive control of security responsibilities by 2014. Security forces killed and captured three Taliban leaders and an undisclosed number of fighters in Nangarhar, Kandahar, Zabul, Paktika, Kabul, and Kunduz. Combined forces air assaulted into a Taliban safe haven in Kunar. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the south and fired […]


The European Union is considering stiffening sanctions on Iran for its nuclear program. The EU is also seeking to set a new date for talks with Iran. Iran is encouraging foreign firms to invest in its energy sector.

Al Qaeda

Clinton: ‘Principal terrorist threat to US emanates from Pakistan’

Two Gitmo detainees transferred to Algeria, Cape Verde

The Defense Department announced the transfer of two Gitmo detainees today. One of the detainees is an IED expert who was a member of Lashkar-e-Taiba and trained al Qaeda operatives. The other allegedly fought at Tora Bora alongside his son, who was also detained at Gitmo.

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda leaders Ayman al Zawahiri and Anwar al Awlaki released propaganda tapes. Zawahiri said the US will leave Afghanistan and Iraq defeated, while Awlaki said the US would become bogged down in a conflict in Yemen.


US Secretary of State Clinton said Pakistan would receive $7.5 billion in civilian aid. The military killed 41 Taliban fighters in airstrikes in Kurram and Arakzai. Two Christians accused of blasphemy were gunned down in front of a court in Faisalabad.


A suicide bomber killed a British contractor in Mosul. Insurgents killed a civilian in a bombing in Fallujah. Security forces killed a suicide bomber in Tal Afar and detained seven insurgents in Anbar.


Insurgents killed three people in the conflict-torn south that has seen emergency rule extended tell October. In Pattani, a 50-year old Buddhist was shot to death at his home while insurgents gunned down a 54-year old Muslim man outside of a mosque. In Sungai Kolok in Narathiwat province, a 57-year old Malaysian Karoake bar owner […]


Fifteen people were killed in clashes between Islamist and government forces in Mogadishu. Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama’a ordered radio stations to halt “pro-Al-Shabaab broadcasts.” Shabaab told teachers in Kismayo to stop discouraging students from becoming jihadists.


Security forces killed two Taliban commanders and 20 fighters in an airstrike in Farah. Combined forces also killed and detained several Taliban fighters in Nimroz. The Taliban killed six policemen in Kandahar and two ISAF soldiers in the south.


Five Pakistanis are among more than 20 suspects detained for involvement in the July 11 bombings in Kampala that killed 74 people. One of the Pakistanis was mentioned in an email to a Shabaab spokesman. Police believe the attacks were carried out by Shabaab suicide bombers.


The Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps has pulled out of a gas field project due to sanctions. Germany is investigating the European-Iranian Handelsbank AG for funneling money to Iran. The defense minister claimed Iran will launch a new, high-tech submarine.


US citizen believed to be writing for al Qaeda website, source says