Monthly Archives: July 2010


Mauritanian troops, aided by France, attacked an al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb base in northern Mali, which resulted in six AQIM fighters killed. Mauritania said the raid’s aim was to thwart an attack, but France’s “technical and logistical” report indicates the aim was to free the French hostage, Michel Germaneau. France has refused to […]


Prime Minister Gilani extended General Kayani’s term as Chief of Army Staff by three years. TV footage claims to show that Mullah Fazlullah is alive. A Taliban commander and a fighter were killed in a premature detonation in Bajaur.

Mullah FM alive

Mullah Qari Fazlullah. The Pakistani government has declared Swat Taliban commander Mullah Fazlullah dead numerous times over the past few years, but apparently video footage has now surfaced that shows the Pakistani Taliban commander is alive, albeit recovering from a wound to the leg. Fazlullah was also reported to have been killed during fighting in […]


Insurgents killed three contractors in a Katyusha rocket attack on the Green Zone in Baghdad, and three civilians, a cleric, a policeman in attacks in Mosul. Security forces detained two al Qaeda operatives west of Baghdad.


A Shabaab commander known as Mohamed Said Atom has established a Tora Bora-like complex of bases in the Sanaag mountains between Puntland and Somaliland. The President of Puntland said the Galgala Hills region near Bosaso is “under attack” by “foreign terrorists.” The government has launched an operation in the region.

Al Qaeda

US admits ISI-Taliban links, assures India role in Afghanistan not diminished


Two US soldiers were killed in a helicopter crash in eastern Afghanistan; Afghans claimed the Taliban shot the helicopter down. Coalition and Afghan forces detained a Taliban logistics officer and a fighter in Kandahar, and a facilitator for the Kabul Attack Network.

United States

Zachary Chesser, a Virginia native, was arrested for aiding a terrorist organization and his connections to Shabaab. Chesser had planned to travel to Somalia to join them in fighting. He turned up on FBI radars after threatening the creators of “South Park” on his radical website, RevolutionMuslim.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula killed five Yemeni soldiers in an ambush on a convoy in Shabwa province. Nineteen people were killed during clashes between the military and Houthi rebels in Harf Sufyan.

Algerian government denies reports of former Gitmo detainee’s mistreatment

The Algerian government has denied reports that it is mistreating Abdul Aziz Naji, a former Guantanamo detainee. Naji was a member of Lashkar-e-Taiba and an expert in improvised explosive devices prior to his detention at Gitmo. His transfer was supposed to entail “security measures,” but an Algerian official claims Naji was outright released.


The commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps said his forces are prepared to defend the revolution “and have other responsibilities at cultural, political, and security fields.” The deputy IRGC commander said Iran “can resist against toughest sanctions.”


Lebanon: Ayatollah Fadlallah’s death and the expansion of Iranian hegemony


Indian security forces killed a “most wanted” commander of Harkat-ul-Mujahedin during a clash in Sopore. One Indian soldier and another HuM fighter was killed. The commander, Nouman, is said to have directed a siege in Srinagar and was a master bomb-maker.


Shabaab and Kenyan border police exchanged fire near the Liboi border post; both sides sent reinforcements to the region. President Sharif has asked Arab countries to support Somalia in its fight against Shabaab.


Thirty Taliban fighters and three Pakistani soldiers were killed during clashes in Arakzai. Fourteen people were killed in Karachi over the past two days. A Taliban commander who ran an illegal FM radio station in Swat surrendered.


New sanctions crimp Iran’s shipping business as insurers withhold coverage