Monthly Archives: July 2010


Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama’a said the alliance with the transitional government has collapsed. Shabaab executed a man accused of blasphemy in Hudur. Hizbul Islam banned Somalia’s Independence Day celebrations; Shabelle has boycotted the ban.

Iran sells advanced radar system to Syria

The Wall Street Journal reported yesterday that Iran allegedly sold Syria an advanced radar system in an arms transfer that took place in mid-2009. The article did not disclose the name of the radar technology, but did say that the arms transfer was confirmed by both Israeli and American intelligence officials. The radar transfer is […]

Mottaki cheers US, English, and French losses in World Cup

Who ever said that politics has no place in the World Cup? After the dramatic US loss to Ghana in the World Cup last weekend, Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said the following to Tehran Emrouz newspaper: In this World Cup you see a meaningful correlation between politics and diplomacy and football…. Those who played […]


Risk-tolerant China investing heavily in Iraq as US companies hold back


Security forces killed 31 Taliban fighters and captured a district level Taliban commander in Helmand. Security forces also detained a Taliban facilitator and several Taliban and Haqqani Network fighters in Kandahar, Khost, and Logar. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the south.


The deputy leader of Boko Haram has released a 25-minute video interview with a journalist in his hideout. Imam Abubakar Shekau was the second in command to Mohammad Yusuf and is now thought to be hiding in Maiduguri. He has “assumed leadership to continue in the pursuit of religious knowledge.”


Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb ambushed and killed 11 Algerian police officers near the border with Mali. AQIM attacked the police convoy near Tinzaoutine (1,200 miles from Algiers) in Tamanrasset province, which hosts the Sahel regional joint anti-terror headquarters.

Al Qaeda sleeper agent tied to 2009 NYC subway plot

shukrijumah.jpeFederal officials said Adnan Shukrijumah, a one-time al Qaeda sleeper agent groomed by senior terrorists to launch attacks on America after 9/11, was involved in Najibullah Zazi’s plot to bomb NYC subways last year. Shukrijumah cased targets in NYC in 2001.


US officials said that Tehran sold Syria an advanced radar system to stymie an Israeli surprise air attack. The top IAEA inspector will resign after 30 years of monitoring fissile material. Tehran issued death sentences for those indicted in a prison torture scandal.