Monthly Archives: July 2010


Afghanistan – Troops call it the Heart of Darkness, the spiritual home of the Taliban


Security forces killed two senior al Qaeda leaders near Mosul, and detained eight smugglers on the Iraqi-Syrian west of Mosul, eight wanted men in Basrah, and a Baathist in Diyala. Two US soldiers died in “unrelated non-combat incidents.”


Six people were killed in Mogadishu during clashes between government troops and Shabaab fighters. Shabaab claimed to have torched an African Union tank; the AU denied the report. The driver and a bodyguard for the provincial governor of Bari were killed in an IED attack.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

“Inspire,” a magazine reportedly published by al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, is thought by some experts to be a fake. The 67 page web magazine is poorly written and a Trojan virus has infected 64 of the 67 pages.


A Taliban suicide assault team attacked a compound run by a development contractor for USAID in Kunduz; six Taliban fighters, two Afghan security personnel, and two foreigners were killed. The Taliban killed two ISAF soldiers in the south and east. The US congress has blocked $4 billion in aid to Afghanistan over corruption concerns.


Insurgents killed five Thai soldiers in a roadside bomb attack and ambush while on night patrol in Narathiwat province. Insurgents opened fire on the soldiers after their vehicle had been struck and was overturned. Parliament is debating lowering wages for soldiers serving in the south.


Three suicide bombers killed 41 people in an attack at a Sufi shrine in Lahore. Ten people were killed during a clash between rival Taliban groups in Kurram. The Army claimed South Waziristan is cleared of terrorists. General Kayani denied brokering a meeting with President Karzai and Siraj Haqqani.

The ‘only 50 to 100’ al Qaeda in Afghanistan fallacy

The CIA continues to get it all wrong when discussing al Qaeda in Afghanistan. Numerous officials are repeating CIA Director Leon Panetta’s claim that al Qaeda maintains only a small footprint in Afghanistan. Here is what Panetta said over the weekend on ABC News’ This Week: “I think at most, we’re looking at maybe 50 […]


Unknown gunmen shot and killed a senior intelligence officer who worked on al Qaeda and southern secessionist problems. The colonel was gunned down by shooters on a motorcycle while he was near his home in Zinjibar in Abyan province. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula has issued hit lists for top Yemeni military, police, and […]