Monthly Archives: July 2010


A female suicide bomber killed four people in an attack at the entrance to the provincial government building in Ramadi. Security forces detained seven wanted men in Basrah. Security has been increased at the Fakka oil field along the border with Iran.


Five Somalis were killed and three more were wounded in an IED attack in Mogadishu that targeted the finance minister. Two Ugandan soldiers were killed during fighting with Shabaab in Mogadishu.


General Petraeus assumed command of ISAF. Combined forces killed 63 Taliban fighters in Helmand and 14 more in Wardak. The Taliban killed six civilians in bombings in Helmand and Zabul, and an ISAF soldier in an IED attack in the south.


The head of the Iranian Parliament said his country would quit nuclear talks if sanctions are tightened. The Iranian Air Force claimed it will deploy UAVs along its borders. The commander of Iran’s Passive Defense Organization claimed the US has launched a cyberwar against his country.


Winning is NATO™s mission in Afghanistan, Petraeus says

Pakistani troops ignore al Qaeda in South Waziristan

South Waziristan Taliban leader Mullah Nazir. Click to view. Al Qaeda and the Punjabi Taliban are sheltering in “good Taliban” leader Mullah Nazir’s tribal areas in South Waziristan, tribal leaders told Dawn yesterday. And Pakistani troops are ignoring them: Malik Sungeen, an elder of the Ahmadzai Wazir, said that outsiders were coming through checkposts being […]


In Sangin, most dangerous Afghan district, British troops fear war will last 10 years


Security forces killed 10 Taliban fighters in Arakzai. The Taliban is setting up a “media regulatory authority” to monitor the news for state “propaganda.” The Wazir tribes failed to agree on the government’s demand to expel al Qaeda and the Punjabi Taliban.


Iraqi security forces detained 11 wanted men in Basra, five Mahdi Army fighters in Baghdad, three Naqshabandiya fighters in Mosul, and an al Qaeda operative near Kirkuk. Insurgents assassinated a prominent mufti in Ramadi.


US on track to end combat mission in Iraq, officials say


Islamic insurgents killed three Thai soldiers providing security to teachers in the Yaha district of Yala province. The three soldiers’ deaths came a day after five soldiers and civilians were killed in a bomb attack in Narathiwat province.


The government claimed its forces took control of the Shibis district north of Mogadishu after five days of fighting. Shabaab named Sheikh Abdiziz Abu Ayub as its spokesman for military operations in Mogadishu.


Coalition and Afghan forces detained a Taliban commander linked to the Lashkar-e-Taiba and several other fighters during raids in Nangarhar and Logar. Combined forces accidentally killed three civilians during a raid in Kandahar; a Taliban commander was captured and a fighter was also killed during the raid. The Taliban killed two civilians in an IED […]


Security forces detained four al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters suspected of killing an intelligence colonel. Houthi rebels violated a ceasefire and killed three people in an attack on the home of a pro-government tribal chief in Amran province.


President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said UN sanctions are “pathetic” and Iran is “is a sleeping lion … which is waking up.” The foreign minister said Iran would step up diplomacy with Europe. The CEO of Total said sanctions against Iran are a “serious mistake.”