Monthly Archives: July 2010

United Kingdom

Police arrested Abid Naseer based on a warrant issued by the US for involvement with a plot to bomb the NYC subway. Naseer is the leader of a cell of 12 Pakistanis who had plotted to conduct attacks in Britain last year. Naseer could not be deported to Pakistan and he was not kept in […]


McCain: Israel not planning strike on Iranian nuclear facilities


ISAF accidentally killed six Afghan soldiers in an airstrike in Ghazni. Security forces killed four Taliban fighters in Helmand and two Haqqani Network fighters in Balkh, and detained three Taliban fighters in Kandahar and Nangarhar. Security forces also killed and captured an undisclosed number of Haqqani Network fighters in Paktika.


German authorities arrested a Syrian national in the town of Montabaur for attempting to lure new recruits for Al Qaeda, Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, Al Qaeda of Iraq, and the Islamic Jihad Union through blogs and internet forums. He faces over 100 counts of distributing criminal audio, video, and text propaganda through German […]


Three Islamist fighters were killed in a two-hour firefight with Algerian authorities in the northern city of M’Sila. Freha villagers in the province of Tizi-Ouzou conducted a 100-vehicle caravan protest through the Ait Jennad region against Islamists who kidnapped a 34-year-old businessman. They seek his unconditional release, similar to the release of an 80-year-old kidnapped […]


Police rescued a Chinese national being held by Abu Sayyaf fighters in Luuk in the province of Sulu. Wu, a Chinese immigrant shopkeeper held for two years in captivity, was freed after a 10-minute firefight that forced the Abu Sayyaf fighters to abandon the group’s last remaining foreign hostage.

Gulf states fear nuclear Iran

During an interview with The Atlantic‘s Jeffrey Goldberg at the Aspen Ideas Festival, the United Arab Emirates’ ambassador to the US offered some surprisingly candid remarks about the military option on Iran’s nuclear infrastructure. Goldberg asked: “Do you want the U.S. to stop the Iranian nuclear program by force?” Here is how Ambassador Yousef al-Otaiba […]


The UAE’s ambassador to the United States said that the benefits of bombing Iran’s nuclear program outweigh the short-term costs. The EU added Iran Air to the operating restriction list. Tehran backed off of a commercial tax increase after protests.

Al Qaeda

Compensation for terrorist suspects to ‘restore Britain™s leadership in the world’


In an interview, Lashkar-e-Taiba leader Hafiz Saeed said suicide attacks inside of Pakistan are “illegal” and called for the execution of those involved. Saeed blamed foreign elements for attempting to sow discord and said Pakistan’s involvement in the war was the cause of the conflict.


Security forces detained a former Guantanamo Bay detainee who served as a Taliban leader in Bannu. The military claimed 80 percent of Kurram has been cleared of the Taliban. The Taliban destroyed three schools in Peshawar and Bajaur.


Insurgents killed six Shia pilgrims in mortar and bomb attacks in Baghdad. Security forces detained a Hezbollah Brigades operative in Baghdad. General Odierno said UN peacekeepers may be needed in northern Iraq.


Iraq looks to spectacular oil boom to revive its political fortunes


The spiritual leader of Shabaab threatened to retaliate against Uganda and Burundi for providing troops to back the transitional government. Shabaab and Hizbul Islam are said to be reinforcing their positions in a district in Mogadishu after clashes between the two groups. Somali and Ethiopian troops are said to be preparing to take control of […]

Former Gitmo detainee arrested in Pakistan

Issa_Khan.jpgIssa Khan, who had been detained at Guantanamo for nearly three years, has been arrested in the Bannu district of northwestern Pakistan. Khan reportedly rejoined the Taliban after his release and became a Pakistani Taliban commander.


The Taliban killed six construction workers in Ghazni, three policemen in Logar, and three ISAF soldiers in the south and east. Security forces detained a Taliban commander and several fighters in Ghazni, Helmand, and Logar. Three Taliban fighters died in a premature detonation in Kunduz.


Two soldiers were killed during a clash with al Qaeda fighters in Hadramout province. Security forces killed a Saudi al Qaeda member in Shabwa province. “Terrorists” set a power plant in Hadramout on fire.