Monthly Archives: July 2010


Ayatollah Khatami warned the West over new UN Security Council sanctions on Iran. President Ahmadinejad hailed a meeting of the D8 in Abuja. Tehran has “yet to confirm” the stay of the stoning sentence for Sakineh Mohammadi-Ashtiani.


Five Shia pilgrims were killed in an IED attack in southern Baghdad. Two people were killed as insurgents bombed the homes of three policemen in Ramadi. Security forces detained 53 people in Basrah.


The government claimed it killed two “foreign trainers” for Shabaab in Hiran; their nationalities were not disclosed. One person was killed in a blast at a Hizbul Islam headquarters near Mogadishu. Shabaab is compelling civilians to fight against the government and African Union forces in Mogadishu.


The Taliban killed six Afghans in Paktia and two ISAF soldiers in the south, and kidnapped two government officials in Ghor. Security forces detained a Haqqani Network facilitator and three fighters in Khost.


Police arrested three Muslim men for plotting a terrorist attack and for links to al Qaeda. Two of suspects are from Iraq and Uzbekistan, and the third is of Uighur origins. The three men are believed to be linked to terror plots in the US and Britain.


Russia’s foreign minister said Iran’s nuclear program should not be the only agenda item for the Iran Six talks. Opposition leader Mousavi criticized President Ahmadinejad’s response to new UN sanctions. Tehran promoted “Islamic haircuts.”

Indictments reveal coordinated NYC and London plots

An indictment unsealed today by the Dept. of Justice reveals that the foiled 2009 NYC subway terrorist attack uncovered in the Najibullah Zazi investigation was a much more ambitious plot than previously known. The NYC plot was planned to coincide with a similar suicide attack on the London transit system and was coordinated by senior […]

Al Qaeda

Pakistani ambassador: Groups that create militias are not acceptable to Pakistan


A suicide bomber killed 32 Shia pilgrims as they were marching in northern Baghdad. Eighteen more Iraqis, including two policemen, were killed in attacks throughout the country. Security forces detained 12 suspected insurgents in Kirkuk and three al Qaeda operatives in Mosul and Baghdad.

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda has appointed Sheikh Fateh al Masri, an Egyptian, as the emir for Afghanistan and the wider Khorasan. Al Masri reportedly commanded forces in Afghanistan and also directed attacks inside Pakistan, including the terror assault on two Ahmadi mosques in Lahore.