Monthly Archives: July 2010


Keeping sane in Sangin: life and death in Afghanistan’s most perilous military posting


Thirty-eight Taliban fighters and six Pakistani troops were killed in clashes in South Waziristan. Security forces killed 15 Taliban fighters in Arakzai, and detained a German wanted in Germany, a Lashkar-e-Jhangvi fighter in Karachi, and three terrorists in Peshawar.


Insurgents killed two policemen and a soldier in attacks in Fallujah, Mosul, and Gayiara. Security forces detained two Hezbollah Brigades members in Baghdad, two Mahdi Army fighters in Miqdadiyah, and an al Qaeda operative in Taji.


The Taliban killed 13 civilians in Paktia and six US soldiers in the south and east. Coalition and Afghan security forces killed a Taliban fighter and detained several more during operations in Ghazni and Paktia. Afghan intelligence detained 11 “terrorists” in Kabul, including six suicide bombers.


Fifteen Somalis were killed by Ethiopian forces in the west, local elders claimed. Two men were killed in a grenade attack in Mogadishu as they were watching the World Cup. President Sharif is concerned about the growing number of foreign fighters in the country.


Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei said the US seeks to dominate Muslim nations and prop up Israel. A former Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps member said Tehran will attack Israel. Iran cut back trade ties with the UAE after sanctions were imposed.

Al Qaeda

Six detainees would rather stay at Guantanamo Bay than be returned to Algeria


Iraq’s Allawi hopes new government to be formed next month


A suicide bomber killed 65 Pakistanis and wounded more than 100 in an attack on pro-government tribal leaders in Mohmand. The military killed 12 Taliban fighters in airstrikes in Arakzai.


A suicide bomber killed six people after ramming a car packed with explosives into a police checkpoint in Baghdad. Insurgents killed two policemen in Mosul. Iraqi forces detained three al Qaeda operatives, including a top financial official, in Mosul.


Kenya’s foreign minister said Iraqi, Afghan, and Pakistani fighters are based in Somalia. Shabaab urged attacks against the diplomatic missions of Uganda and Burundi. Shabaab fighters and Burundian troops clashed in Mogadishu.


The Taliban assassinated the head prosecutor for Khwajai Omari district in Ghazni province and killed a British soldier in Helmand. Security forces detained several Taliban fighters in Helmand, Kapisa, and Khost.


Warring Moro rebels caused the death a 3-year-old boy and wounded six others after a mortar fell into an evacuation center on the border of Maguindanao and North Cotabato. The rebels blame the military for the casualties. Police discovered a bomb before it exploded in a drainage pipe near a day care center in Basilan. […]