Monthly Archives: July 2010


Insurgents killed two policemen, a civilian, and an Awakening leader and his family in attacks in Fallujah and Baghdad. Security forces detained 22 wanted men in Basrah and 21 more in Kirkuk.


Burundi said it would remain in Somalia despite Shabaab’s threats to carry out attacks int he country. Shabaab and Hizbul Islam clashed in Hiran just three days after their leaders met to discuss joining ranks. Hizbul Islam detained 10 people in Elasha.


Police detained four “foreigners” suspected of being involved in the deadly suicide attacks in Kampala that killed 74 people. Police also found an unexploded suicide vest in a suburb of Kampala.


Did BP play a role in the release of a notorious terrorist?


An Afghan soldier killed three British troops in Helmand. The Taliban killed eight civilians in an IED attack in Helmand. Security forces killed six Taliban fighters in Kunduz and detained “a large number” of Taliban and Haqqani Network operatives in Paktia and Kapisa. A village defense force killed “numerous” Taliban fighters in Ghazni; one villager […]


An Iranian scientist who went missing in Saudi Arabia more than a year ago has appeared at the Pakistani embassy in Washington, DC. The foreign minister dismissed Russian President Medeved’s remarks that Iran is close to building a nuclear weapon as “unrealistic.”


Amid threat, US heightens security at its Iraq bases

The checkered history of Musa Qala

Coalition forces have struggled to gain control of the district in northern Helmand province for four years. US Marines have now taken over from the British, who have come under fire for their handling of the district. Part 1 of a three-part series.


Security forces detained six women who were prepared to become “Black Widows,” the notorious Muslim female suicide bombers. The six women were detained in the Republic of Dagestan in the Caucasus.


Security forces detained 87 extremists in Punjab and 280 more in Khyber. The Taliban killed a security officer in an IED attack in Arakzai and bombed a school in Bajaur. A suicide bomber killed only himself in a premature detonation in Kohat.


Security forces detained eight al Qaeda operatives during operations in Baghdad, Jalulah, As Sadiyah, and Hawijah. Iraqi troops searched Mosul University. Insurgents destroyed two power pylons in Abu Ghraib.


Shabaab claimed the dual suicide attack in Kampala that killed 74 people and wounded more than 60. Sheikh Ali Mohamud Rage, Shabaab’s top spokesman, said Shabaab was “performing our Islamic duty.”

United Kingdom

A court sentenced three al Qaeda operatives to 20 years each in prison for attempting to blow up airlines using liquid explosives over the Atlantic in 2006. The men were described as “foot soldiers” by the judge, who said they did not know the actual target of the attack.


The Taliban killed eight civilians in IED attacks in Helmand and Khost. Afghan and Coalition forces detained an undisclosed number of Taliban fighters in Ghazni, Logar, Khost, and Helmand. The UN said 10 Taliban leaders may be removed from the sanctions list.

Germany agrees to accept two Gitmo detainees

Ohmed-Ahmed-Mahamoud-Al-Shurfa.jpgLast week, German Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière said that his country has agreed to accept two Gitmo detainees. One of the two was recruited by Hamas, trained in an al Qaeda camp, and allegedly wanted to conduct a suicide operation. The other allegedly traveled to Afghanistan to wage jihad after the September 11 attacks.