Monthly Archives: July 2010


The Pakistani Taliban released a martyrdom videotape of failed Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad. The military killed 24 Taliban fighters in Arakzai and wounded 36 more, including a Taliban commander. Pakistan banned the movie ”Tere Bin Laden” fearing it would provoke attacks.

Lack of supplemental funding poses problems for Pentagon


Insurgents killed a woman and three children in Amiriyah, a soldier in Baghdad, and a security contractor and a civilian in Mosul. Iraqi forces killed three insurgents and detained 13 more in Mosul, and detained 10 al Qaeda fighters in Salahadin and an operative in Baghdad.


Petraeus gets Karzai to back “community watch on steroids” program


Indian foreign minister to press Pakistan on Mumbai probe in talks


Mohammad Isa, a senior Al Qaeda operative, was captured by Indonesian authorities along with 10 other illegal immigrants from Afghanistan in northern Sumatra. Isa was posing as an asylum seeker with other immigrants to reach Australia. He is being held in an Australian-built detention center on Bintan island, near Singapore.


Imam Abubakar Shekau, the acting leader of Boko Haram, has issued an online statement praising Al Qaeda and offered condolences to Al Qaeda of Iraq’s loss of Abu Ayyub al Masri and Abu Omar al Baghdadi. “Do not think jihad is over,” Shekau said. “Rather jihad has just begun. O America, die with your fury.”


Emergency rule has been extended until Oct. 19 in insurgency-plagued provinces of southern Thailand. The Pattani Malay Liberation Movement announced a ceasefire with hopes of achieving serious dialogue with the Thai government. Insurgents fired grenades at a company compound for defense volunteers in the Mayo district of Pattani.


A 7-year-old boy was killed and five others injured in a bomb blast in Datu Piang in the province of Maguindanao. The bomb exploded 20 meters from the police station, resulting in civilian casualties only. Insurgents killed one soldier and wounded five others in an ambush.


The Taliban killed nine civilians in an IED attack in Helmand, four ISAF soldiers in an IED attack and another in a small arms attack in the south, and a policeman in an IED attack in Kandahar. Three ISAF soldiers and five civilian contractors were killed while repelling a Taliban assault on a police station […]


India’s home minister claimed Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence directorate was “literally controlling and coordinating” the 2008 terror assault on Mumbai “from the beginning till the end,” and Lashkar-e-Taiba leader Hafiz Saeed was also intimately involved in the attack. Saeed “was not a peripheral player,” the minister stated. “He knew everything.”


AL Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters assaulted security and intelligence installations in Zinjibar in Abyan province; three al Qaeda fighters and two people were reported killed. The US transferred Guantanamo Bay detainee Mohammed Odaini to Yemen despite the ban on detainee transfers to the country due to the security situation.

Is al Qaeda racist?

Those familiar with the inner workings of jihadi circles will know that racism is in fact prevalent within al Qaeda’s ranks. But that makes the administration’s new line of rhetorical attack against the terrorist group — that it shows a disregard for African life — no less absurd. Jake Tapper reports: In an interview earlier […]

Afghan villagers battle the Taliban in Ghazni

At The Weekly Standard, I rounded up the news of Afghan villagers in Ghazni province who stood up to a force of Taliban fighters infiltrating from neighboring Uruzgan province. The news is welcome as it gives hope that the Afghan people can eventually organize to oppose the Taliban, much as the Sunni tribes in Iraq […]


Afghanistan – NATO sees Taliban in power in case of early departure


The military claimed more than 100 Taliban fighters were killed in Arakzai. The Taliban killed a NATO-hired truck driver in Mastung, destroyed a NATO oil tanker and seven supply trucks in Nowshera, and bombed a school in Bajaur.