Monthly Archives: July 2010


Syria – School ban on all-covering veil raises nary a peep among activists in the Middle East


Security forces detained 19 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula operatives in Marib province and 11 more in Hadramout province. Police have also step up security in Marib and Jawf to prevent al Qaeda attacks on infrastructure.

The US military wants a battlefield-ready flying car


Pakistan – Terrorists to attack embassies, consulates, and other targets in Pakistan

Al Qaeda

US – State department mulls terror designation for Gaza ‘aid’ ship funder


The US killed 10 terrorists in an airstrike in North Waziristan. Pakistani troops killed 15 Taliban fighters in Arakzai. A Taliban suicide bomber killed five people in Swat. The Taliban beheaded two tribal leaders in Kohat and bombed a mosque and a shrine in Khyber.


Pakistan extradited Salih S. to Germany to stand trial for his involvement in a plot to attack US bases in Germany. Salih, a Turkish citizen, is thought to be a member of the Islamic Jihad Union and is linked to the Sauerland terror cell in Germany.


The leader of Shabaab threatened further attacks in Uganda and Burundi if the countries did not withdraw peacekeepers from Somalia. The leader also said the Saleh Ali Nabhan Brigade carried out the July 11 attacks in Uganda. Two Somali reporters have been detained in Uganda.

Al Qaeda

Disconnecting the dots – The DC circuit court eviscerates a district judge™s habeas ruling on Gitmo detainees


Jundallah claimed a pair of suicide attacks outside a mosque in Zahedan that killed 21 people, including members of the Revolutionary Guards Corps. Jundallah claimed it carried out the attacks to avenge the execution of its former leader, Abdulmalik Rigi.


Coalition forces killed three Taliban commanders and seven fighters in an airstrike in Kunduz; and detained two Taliban commanders, a sub-commander, two facilitators, and several fighters in Kabul, Helmand, Nangarhar, and Zabul. Four Taliban fighters died in a premature detonation in Paktika. The Taliban killed two ISAF soldiers and kidnapped five health workers in Kandahar.


BP admits ‘lobbying UK over Libya prisoner transfer scheme but not Lockerbie bomber’

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Three bombs planted by Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb have killed four Algerian soldiers and wounded 10 others near Tizi Ouzou. The three bombs were buried underground and struck the soldiers while they were on a mission in the Tadmait area. France has denied that it received hostage demands from AQIM for the release […]


The CIA paid the Iranian scientist who defected to the US $5 million for information. Tehran said that the scientist had no intimate knowledge of Iran’s nuclear program. Russia’s energy minister announced a plan for cooperation with Iran’s energy sector.