Monthly Archives: June 2010


Algerian authorities arrested six men accused of operating a terror-support cell in Tissemsilet that provided logistic support for Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb. The men, aged between 20 to 60, operated in Medea, Tissemsilet and Ain Defla.

Al Qaeda

Adam Gadahn released a tape criticizing President Obama and assailing his popularity. “You’re no longer the popular man you once were, a year ago or so,” said the American-born al Qaeda spokesman who is wanted for treason.


US Defense Secretary Gates said the UN Security Council sanctions have a chance of halting Iran’s nuclear program and said the US is not prepared to switch to a policy of containment. Iran executed Jundallah leader Abdulmalik Rigi by hanging him at Evin prison.

Al Qaeda

You’re no longer popular as you once were: Al-Qaida’s Adam Gadahn to Obama

Saudi Arabia

Twenty-five former al Qaeda operatives who were Guantanamo Bay detainees are known have returned to carry out terrorist activities. The 25 former detainees went through a rehabilitation program touted by the Saudis as a success.


The US killed an al Qaeda military commander and 12 Islamic Jihad Union fighters in an airstrike in North Waziristan. Gunmen killed a policeman and freed four captive Jundallah fighters during an assault on a courthouse in Karachi. The military killed four Taliban fighters in Arakzai. The Taliban killed one civilian in a bombing in […]


Security forces killed one person after opening fire during a demonstration over electricity shortages in Basrah. Iraqi troops detained six al Qaeda operatives during separate raids in northern Iraq. The Turkish military attacked Kurdistan Workers’ Party outposts in northern Iraq.


A squad of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters dressed in military uniforms assaulted a regional security office in Aden, killing 10 security officials and three women who worked in the building. An unknown number of prisoners, including al Qaeda members, were freed in the attack.

United States

An alert has been issued for 17 Afghan troops who have gone absent without leave (AWOL) from Lackland Air Force Base in Texas. The 17 officers and soldiers were attending the Defense Language Institute and have “disappeared over the course of the last two years.”


Afghan and US forces killed 38 Haqqani Network fighters in Khost and detained a Taliban sub-commander and 11 fighters in Kunduz. The Taliban killed five civilians in an IED attack in Uruzgan and a French soldier in Kapisa. The UN said incidences of violence, including suicide attacks, have risen dramatically.


A member of parliament said Iran would reduce cooperation with the IAEA. According to a poll, most of the world supports military strikes to deny Iran a military nuclear program. Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi claimed Iran’s ballistic misiles are for defensive purposes only.


Baghdad nights glitter again, behind shatterproof glass